Part. 8

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"But it can't be written like this!!!!" I sigh as I heard my two best friend aka the best hacker and IT guy in my gang argue because of their disagreement on how the plan for tonight should work. I look at chan hyung and raise up my eyebrow. He took the hint and slam the table.

"Seungmin, hyunjin. Did you two even realize that you're arguing about things that is not your profession?" chan hyung said almost sternly. He look at me and I mutter a thank you.

Both seungmin and hyunjin sit down with a pout on their face. Changbin hyung and joonyoung hyung are trying their best to comfort the sulking boys while I put on my disgust face. "Why do we have to go tonight again?? I thought you said the other day that the kids can handle." We all look at jeongin as he rub his eyes.

Felix pat his head and squish his cheeks makes him whine. He sounded so sleepy.

I cooed at the sight silently so no one can hear me. Seungmin take the paper he was holding and give it to hyunjin. Hyunjin put his paper under seungmin's and pass it to chan hyung. Before chan hyung pass it to me, he checked the papers to make sure that there's no information left behind. 

I look at the paper I'm holding. 'KIMbaP GANG' are written in front of it. I started to go through it without missing a single detail before facing up to my own gang. "Is this information is all?" I ask showing them the papers. Seungmin, hyunjin and chan hyung nod.

'If it is true then I can't leave this to the kids only' I thought. I look at jeongin and he is still in his sleepy state. I point at jeongin and changbin help to wake him up. "Go wash your face first jeongin. We'll explain it to you in the van." I said and stand up. everyone follow me to the van except for jeongin and changbin.

BamBam hyung and Joonyoung hyung put all the needed things at the back of the van including emergency weapons and bullets. We all wear our outfit and put on the weapon according to our designated position.  

After a while, changbin come back with jeongin and we all drive to the place. 


"I don't want to go to school tomorrow!!!" hyunjin said as he flop into the couch. 'it is indeed a long night' I thought. We all had to kill the leader of KIMbaP gang as he was too stubborn just now. "But minho. isn't killing the leader is too risky?" bambam hyung ask me.

I nod. "It is but at least we got his right man. He must know everything since he's the closest to the leader." I said. It's a lie if I didn't think that killing the leader is risky but he was too arrogant and stubborn. I can't control my anger. 

Joonyoung hyung nod agreeing my defends and walk to his room. We all decided to just crash in my house since it's already 3 in the morning, well almost four and half of the guys still have school tomorrow. 

"SLEEP WELL GUYS. I'LL SEE GUYS TOMORROW."  I shout from my room very loudly so everyone in this household can hear me. Just before I close the door, they shout back with "YOU TOO MINHO" "OKAY HYUNG" "GOODNIGHT TO YOU AND ME HYUNG" and many more. 

I laugh at their cuteness and continue to get ready to sleep.

I wake up due to the knocking sound. I lazily look at the clock beside me and just sigh in tiredness. The knocking sound didn't stop so I sit up. "Stop I'm awake already." I said. The person stop knocking and I hear the steps going down. 

I take my towel and walk to my bathroom. I put my towel at the table in the bathroom and enter the shower room. 

After I done showering, I put on my robe before getting out of the shower. I walk to the countertop and take out a hair dryer from the drawer. I was about to take my face wash before the knock sound come back. "It's not lock." I shout not too loud. I squeeze some of the cream onto my palm and and wash my face. I heard the footsteps coming to me but I just continue to wash my face then rinse it.

I look at the door when it creek open and shock when I see jisung standing there staring at me with red cheeks. I smirk without realising and he immediately turn around. I laugh at his cuteness and walk to the table to get my towel. I wipe my face with the towel and hang it at the hanger.  

"Why aren't you facing me jisung??" I ask although I know the answer. "You aren't wearing anything hyung!!!" He scream hiding his face into his hands. I laugh and back hug him. "You don't have to be so shy jisungie. I am indeed wearing a robe right now." I whisper into his ear and blow into it. 

He shivers as I smirk. I hold his hands and kiss his neck. He flinch at the kiss and ask me to stop but I didn't. I keep leaving sweet kisses around his neck and eventually he give up on stopping me and just lean back to give me more access. I smirk and continue doing it. After a few minute, I kiss a spot for a long time and nibble it a bit which make jisung gasp but didn't push me away.

I pull apart and walk to the countertop again and take the hair dryer, leaving a really red jisung behind. I turn to him and show him the hair dryer. "Do you want to help and dry my hair jisungie??" I ask. He nod his head slowly and I quickly pull him to the couch. I plug in the hair dryer and give it to jisung. I turn around and jisung start to drying my hair.

"Why are you here so early jisung?" I ask since he seems like he is still flustered with what happened just now. "O-oh,, I-I urm..." jisung stutter and I chuckle. I hold his hand to stop him from continue.

"Don't think about it too much. One day I'll tell you why I did that okay?" He nod and I release his hand so he can continue. "So??" I ask. "Felix came home at five this morning and that woke me up. To sum things up, I bombarded him with questions on why he is home late. He said he's coming back here so I followed him and I can't sleep after that."

I smile. He stop and tell me that it is done. I thank him and we get out of the bathroom. "I'm going to change. You can leave first or maybe stay if you want to watch me change." I tease and his cheeks turn red again and run out of the room.

I chuckle and walk into my walk-in closet to choose my clothes. I flinch when someone knock my room door loudly. "CHAN HYUNG SAID HURRY UP TO HELP HIM IN THE KITCHEN." I laugh when I heard jisung scream from outside. 

"He's too cute"


Yes the character development in this story are really fast but I don't want to make another story with 50+ part😭(although I think it'll be close to that) but yea,,, I love minsung with all my heart but this story isn't good😭 at this point idk if what I'm writing is worth the views or not-

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