Part. 12

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I look at my watch then the cafe door. I supposed to meet with minbyul today at three but minho hyung still nowhere to be seen. I anxiously bite me lower lip when suddenly someone close my eyes from the back. "Who-" I took in the cologne scent and relax when the familiar scent wake me up. I remove the hands from my eyes and turn to face him. 

"Hyung you're late" I try to whine. He just laugh and sit beside me, hand still holding mine. "For a sulky person, you smile way too bright." He said pointing at me. I hit him playfully and reach for my drink. 

"I don't know what you like so I didn't order for you." "Oh" He eye the smoothie in front of him. I take it and put it on my left. "Minmin always sit on my right that's why I put it there. It's became a habit." I scratch me nape.

Minho hyung order his drink and we continue our talk while waiting for minmin.

"Jisung-ah" I heard my name being called out so I turn to the door. "Sorry I'm late princess. I got things to settle down before coming." Minbyul peck my cheek before take a sit beside me. "Hi minho hyung. Didn't know you'll be here too." He said reaching for my hand. I just smile awkwardly with minho hyung and minbyul holding my hand each. 

"Jisung didn't tell you? I'm sorry." He give his kitten smile to minbyul. Minbyul reply with a 'its okay' and face me. "So you told me that there's something you want to tell me. What is it?"

I look at minho hyung and minbyulk gaze follow mine. I face him back and he 'smile' to me. 

'it's hurt knowing that the smile you always show me is a fake one.'

I take a deep breathe before start talking. "Was it always fake or I just didn't notice the time that it become genuine?" I ask him. He smile while reply with a hum. "What is fake and what is genuine?" 

I remove my hand from his, "Why is it always me who's hurting when it's obvious that you feel nothing for me from the beginning?" Minbyul look at me, trying to look confuse when he actually look taken aback. "What do you mean jisung? I'm always serious with you!" He raise his voice.

"If you are, why after we start dated, not even once you ask me out. It always me all the time, getting excited, waiting for you to take me to a date. IT ALWAYS ME!!" I shout. Luckily the cafe aren't full of people and everyone just do their own stuff.

"What do you mean? I always waited for you after school! Can't you hear my excitement from my voice everytime you called me? And also! A few days ago I take you out for a date right? And it's me who ask for it!!" He raise his voice again. I wanted to stand up and walk away, frustrated but minho hyung hold my hand tightly, not letting me to go away and run from this problem again.

'Jisung you need to settle all of this today. That's why you bring minho hyung right?' I remind myself. I look at minho hyung and he nod at me, giving me support to keep on fight back. 

"Yes you did. But that is the first time after three years of dating. And tell me, is it really hard to find a time to meet me even for 30 minutes? Before, you cling on me for a whole day but then? You left me alone, waiting for you while you avoid on meeting me. What is the use of this relationship if you don't want to talk to me or see me? I can't having this kind of relationship anymore!!" I stand up, slamming the table.

Minnbyul look at me with a shocked face at first but then his lips slowly turn into a smirk. "So you're telling me you want to break up with me again?" He stand up, getting closer to me. I gulp, backwards a step. "Baby... but I really love you. You know I can't live without you." He make a sad puppy eyes, the same eyes I fell the last time I asked for a break up, the same sentence yet always hit me everytime he say it.

"Remember the last time you left me all alone, didn't call me or text me for a whole month? I got sick, remember?" There!! How can I say no if our breakup will hurt him so much?

"I-" "It's in the past. Everyone's feelings change. Maybe at that time you love him so much that make you fell sick but it's still before you two date right?" Minho hyung interfere me. Now that I think about it, it is. I look at minbyul and he scoff. "So this is why he's here? So that he can ruin our relationship?!" minbyul shout while pointing at minho hyung.

"He isn't ruining our relationship. It's me-" "If it's not call ruining then what is it? CAN'T YOU SEE HE'S TRYING TO TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME?! HE'S RUINING ALL OF THIS!!" I feel like crying. Getting shout at. 'Minho hyung did nothing wrong. I did nothing wrong but why we're the one who got shouted at?'

My eyes got teary the longer I stay silent but I can't utter any word. Nothing come out from my mouth although I had so many thing to say. Just when I want to burst out crying, Minho hyung pull me to his chest, hugging me tightly while caressing my head. "Can you stop shouting? Can't you see you're making him cry?"

I stay in his embrace for a few minute while hearing both of them bickering over me. When I feel better, I pull away from minho hyung and face minbyul. 

"Minmin-ah.." minbyul look at me with the same pity eye and 'hopeful' face. "Yes princess. I'm here." He pull my hand once again and put it on his chest. "Let's break up." I say, pulling my hand away. "But why baby? I don't understand!" "You-" "IS IT BECAUSE OF HIM. BABY I'M TELLING YOU HE'S-" "STOP!"

I shout.

"I've had enough minmin. You want a reason? I'll give you. You cling on me every single time you see me, not wanting to let me go, always there when I need someone, always wait for me after school, always cheer me up when I was in a bad mood. You did all of that. I was so grateful for that. In fact, that is the reason why I accept you. Why I slowly fall for you BUT! After we started dating, what did you do? NONE! You aren't there when I need you! You didn't chat, call or even greet me when we pass each other at school! You didn't ask me out for a date like you always did! IT'S ALWAYS ME WHO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE! And the worst of everything, you aren't there when I need you. When I need someone to cheer me up, you aren't there anymore. I feel like you're a complete stranger." 

I didn't wait for any reply and just run out of the cafe. I look at him from outside of the cafe for the last time before continue to run. 

I stop at a branch near a park and rest there. 'Why am I even running?' I thought. I started laughing remembering that I run out of the cafe when it was him who at fault not me. "Did you see minmin face just now hyung? He look shocked. HAhahaha." I pant.

Hearing no respond I turn to minho hyung- or, wind. "Minho hyung.... OH GOSH!" I face palm myself. 'How can I forget about minho hyung!!!'

I was about to run to the cafe again when I see minho hyung running to me. My eyes didn't leave him until he stand right in front of me, panting. "Minho hyung..."

"Why did you ran so fast jisung-ah? I almost lost you." He said in between his pant. I quickly hug him, "I'm so sorry hyung. I forgot about you." He laugh. "It's okay sungie" He caress my head. 

"You've done well"


I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, so, so, so, sorrryyyyy,,, I seriously forgot to update yesterday. While I was at work I was like, "oh today's Friday. I have to update." But then when I arrived home I forgot!! I'm so sorry!!! I'm still at so I wrote this quickly. Sorry if this chapter is a mess and shortㅠㅠㅠ

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