Chapter 15

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Nicole's POV

Today's class was more tiring than usual. I enjoy psychology but sometimes it's too much.

I sigh as I walk back to my dormitory.

My previous plans to have fun and mess around during college aren't working as I thought it would, the parties are dull, the men are idiots and not enough interesting to be with once. I should stick to self-love and alone time for now.

I don't think there isn't a single day I don't think about James.

It's low, even for me, I know. I can't see myself with anyone else, and not because I want James back, but because he was the only thing I knew. He was my first everything.

When I get close to my dormitory, I hear a deep voice—which could be Alex—but considering how he ignored Veronica, I doubt that. Plus Alex's voice is a bit higher.

Then I recognize Irène's psychotic laugh and I almost think of leaving. But it's my room too.

Irène with a man in our room? Not a surprise.

Should I walk in? Are they getting it on?

I place my right ear against the door and I listen carefully. Hopefully, no one sees me or they don't open the door right at this moment.

"They really let everyone out, huh?" Irène says and laughs after. Her laughter is the most annoying crap ever.

"They let you out of the psychiatric ward?" The man says.

I get further away from the door as I try to process the shock of the revelation. It's Derek. That man has to be Derek. It's his voice.

What is he doing here? Is he here for Veronica? Oh my God, I need to find her! She is going to be so happy.

The door opens and I pretend to do something else, like check my phone, but I bet I still look strange.

"Stop eavesdropping and get in," Irène says as she grabs my arm and pulls me inside.

"W- what, how did you know?"

She is so strange.

"I know everything."

I roll my eyes and I place my phone in my backpack.

When I make eye contact with Derek, the least I can say is how shocked I am. He looks miserable, maybe still attractive—although I'm more into blondes—but still miserable.

"Hey..." I mutter timidly.

"Oh, this is interesting. So, Derek what has brought your boring ass here?"

He smiles and holds her gaze without getting intimated or annoyed as most people would.

He walks closer to her and she seems startled for a second, she knows she pushes people's buttons and she always has to be on the offense and defense, of course, it feels like everyone is out to get her, so she becomes the perpetrator first. Men rarely seem to try to physically hurt her and they only use words but she knows she doesn't know Derek after one year of prison and two weeks of solitary confinement, for one second she looks afraid.

I know what she did to him, and I have no idea how he survived that. Solitary confinement is the lowest and most disgusting form of punishment, not even the scum pedophiles get that most of the time unless they misbehaved in prison. And Derek stayed there for two non-interrupted weeks. I'd expect that to drive someone crazy, but he looks composed. Miserable but composed.

He doesn't go close to her, he was just trying to get to Veronica's shelf. He stops for a few seconds and he looks at the framed images.

My heart sinks for both Veronica and Derek.

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