The Other Side

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A/N: Hiiii! So sorry for the lack of update this month, it's been wild- 

On another note, Teiko: The Viridant Hope (Midori no kibo) is now out! Be sure to check it out on my profile!

- > Suggested AU


"Aha! It's all set now!" Hatsume cheered, flexing her wrists after some programming, glancing at the peacefully sleeping boy still in the seat. 

"I'm interested to see in how you've upgraded your creation, Hatsume-san." Nezu quipped, little tail wagging with interest. 

"Of course Nezu-sensei!" Hatsume looked towards her principal, eyes sparking in satisfaction. "This new feature allows us to see what percentage of likely-hood the universe is to being reality!"

Awes filled the room, as a new sense of giddiness washed over the theatre. 

"Alright, the next universe is starting up!"

Searching for Multiverse...

Searching for Multiverse...

Searching for Multiverse...

Multiverse found: The Other Side. 

"Te other...side, uhh thwat sounds kind-wa like some..." Kaminari swallows the popcorn he was chewing, "sorta conflict."

"Kaminari, it is very disrespectful to talk and consume food at the same time!" Iida gently berates, earning a non-apologetic apology from the blonde. 

The sound of a door creaking open fills the room, and the light blue hair and hooded crimson eyes of Shigaraki walks into the room. On a chair, tied up, is a young looking Midoriya who seems anxiously determined to be let go. 

"W-what do you want from me?" Izuku stammers out, lips quivering slightly. 

Grinning manically, Shigaraki starts confidently, "Right here, right now, I put the offer out." 

After noticing the increasingly confusing gaze of the grenette, Shigaraki continues swiftly. "I don't want to chase you down, I know you see it."

"Does...does Shigiraki want Deku-kun to join with the villains?" Uraraka asked, fidgeting her fingers slightly. Sure, in the past two days, she's seen a lot of different Dekus, and a lot of hidden truths about her best friend, but it still unnerves her every time she thinks of the fact that Izuku could have been the one throwing the hits and not the one taking them for her.

"You run with me and I will cut you free, out of the treachery and the walls you keep in!" Shigaraki exclaimed, reaching his hands out in almost a hug-like gesture.

"W-what are you talking about...what treachery...?" Izuku asked warily, glare still placed at this, surely a villain, in front of him. 

"So trade that typical, for something colorful!" Shigaraki takes out a knife and cuts off the restraints around Izuku's wrists. All logical sides of the middle-school student tells him to take this opportunity to un-fasten his leg-restraints and then run, no matter how small the chance of him being successful is. The majority of him convinces him to stay and listen to this person, with a pain so painstakingly familiar in those red eyes. 

"T-that's crazy to even think about..." Midoriya muttered, looking a little distant in his mind. 

"He's contemplating it.." Aizawa mumbles to himself, Yamada squeezing his best friend's hand as some sign of reassurance. 

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