Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five: Pieces Fall into Place

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There was a brief silence in the carriage, while what Altria said sunk in for a moment. How could she think that? From what Serin and Rosa said, things were looking bad for us. I wouldn't be surprised if we were going to be classed as terrorists, by the time we arrived back in Dunshelm.

"What do you mean Altria?" Asked Serin.

"Well, you two said the rumours were that my mother had already left the capital and that there was some movement among the human and wolfkin forces, right?"


"Well, I have a suspicion that my mother has something planned. I expect when Theo tells us what they spoke about in secret, that will be confirmed."

"I don't know, she didn't mention anything about that." I said, not understanding Altria's train of thought.

"She wouldn't have told you her plans. Sorry Theo, she's very good at sucking people in. Just tell us what she told you and I'll be able to gather the rest from there."


I ran through the entire conversation I had with Olentri just as Altria had asked me to. I explained how she had given the okay for her contact to retrieve the relic and had provided the means for it to be swapped. I detailed how she had told me that she would make sure, that in the case we were found out, I would be the one that took the blame.

"I knew that she was planning something! No wonder she asked you to keep it a secret from me." Altria said as soon as I had finished recounting the conversation.

"I don't understand though. It hasn't gone the way that she wanted. I was the one that suspicion should have fallen on, not you and definitely not her."

"I think that was only one of the outcomes she had planned for. She probably suspected all along that the elves might make a move like this. The whole thing was probably just a move to see how they would react in this instance. Of course, if it had just been discovered and events didn't blow up like this, she would have made you take the fall. She used you for her own ends Theo."

"I'm sorry Altria, but I still don't have a clue what you're talking about."

"I'm not following this either Altria. Please can you tell us what you think is going on?" Asked Serin.

"Well, I think she wanted to see what their reaction would be. Remember I said before Theo, about my grandfather?"

"You said he mentioned some strange things when he was very old, but that everyone thought he was just senile."

"Yes... But my mother always had some suspicion after that. After everything that happened, I think a lot of her worries will have been confirmed. It's no wonder that she had already left the Capital, she already had a plan in motion in case something like this happened."

"What exactly was she suspicious of? What did your grandfather say?" Asked Serin.

"That the high king was able to enact some kind of control over summoners... My grandfather had a recuring delusion, at least that was what they thought at the time. He said that those that had the shard implanted for long enough were able to fall under the control of the high king, Lillia's father. He also said that all the members that signed the alliance all experienced memory loss, due to a form of contract magic. It was only when he reached his advanced years that some of it came back to him. No one had heard anything like this from the other members, so everyone just thought he was losing his mind..." Explained Altria.

"But after what happened with Lillia, it doesn't seem that crazy." I noted.

"No, it doesn't."

"But if your mother has pulled her forces, we might be safe in Dunshelm, but not for long. It could mean war once again amongst the races." Serin said, clearly worried.

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