Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Seven: Trust Me

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We did as Jules suggested and followed her to the front desk. We had wanted to check in at the guild first to find out the lay of the land anyway. The other girl who had been behind the desk with Jules had stepped out into the back room as we arrived. She appeared through the side door as Jules made her way through the desk.

She turned to Jules. "Can you take them upstairs? The boss wants to see them right away."

Jules looked a little awkward. "Right now? They've only just returned, they haven't event had chance for a drink yet."

"She insisted."

"Okay..." Jules turned to us. "Is that okay with you all?"

Serin nodded with a smile. "Yes, that's fine. We wanted to talk with her anyway."

"I'll show you up. Follow me."

Jules lifted the hatch to the front desk and the three of us followed her into the back room and upstairs to the offices. Lisa's office was the third door along, and Jules knocked as we stopped outside.

"Yes?" Asked a voice from inside.

"I've brought them up as you requested." Answered Jules.

"Send them in. Thanks."

Jules pushed the door open and held it while motioning for us to step inside. Serin strode in and Altria and I followed in behind her.

As Jules was closing the door, she turned to me. "I'll see you later."

Lisa was sat at the far end of the room behind her large wooden desk. There was a bottle of something that looked like whiskey standing on her desk. She had already helped herself to a glass before we had arrived.

As we stepped inside, Lisa placed her glass down on the desk. "You made it back."

Serin made a gesture with her hands. "Somehow."

Lisa motioned to the empty chairs. "Don't just stand there. Take a seat."

We did just as she asked and sat down.

Lisa waited until we were settled down. "Well, a lot has happened since we last spoke."

"It has..." Replied Serin.

Lisa slumped in her chair. "I've barely had a moment's rest the last couple of days, ever since that incident that you all seem to have been caught up in. Do you have any idea just how many people have been getting in contact with me?"

"I expect there have been many."

"Yes. They were all expecting you to return here after you vanished from the capital, and it seems they were right."

"We didn't have anywhere else to go."

"No... I suppose you think you're safe here?" There was a hint of danger in her question.

"Safer than where we were."

"I've already been contacted by the head of the guild, or perhaps it's the head of the alliance guild now... There is already a quest out for your capture, alive, except for Theo that is. Seems there is already a price on the hero's head. They've requested that I honour it..."

"Lisa you wouldn't!" Serin said clearly alarmed.

"I would at least interview you before I decided what to do. Whatever I decide will put the city's guild in an awkward position."

"You can't really be considering turning us over to them?" Asked Altria.

"I said I would hear you out before I decided what to do. This city's guild hasn't picked a side yet. The mayor wants us to stand with the queen, and possibly the union if the other races follow her lead. The guild wants us to keep our allegiance to the alliance. Whichever side I pick we stand to lose a lot, but what really bothers me is that I don't have a clue as to how things came to be like this. Seeing that Lillia isn't with you I can guess that the rumours are at least partly true."

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