Chapter Thirty-Five: So That's How it is

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We both quickly dressed and joined Lillia and Altria who were already sat around the fire patiently waiting for breakfast to be cooked.

"Good sleep you two?" Asked Altria.

"Yes, thank you." Replied Serin.

"Yeah, it was comfortable enough." I replied, Altria knew full well that I had been interrupted in my sleep at least twice.

"Glad to hear it. Not long until breakfast is ready."

Something had bothered me a little for a while now, I was surprised enough how Lillia and Altria reacted when they found out I was sleeping with them both, let alone when they allowed Jules to join in. Now with Serin as well... I hadn't expected Lillia and Altria to behave any differently, but Serin didn't seem like the type of woman that would easily accept her lover also having multiple partners, yet she didn't seem to have any reaction at all and she had at the very least noticed Lillia's visit to my tent last night.

"I've been wondering something..." I muttered out loud almost unintentionally.

"What is it?" Asked Serin.

"Well, I'm not sure how to say this, so I suppose I'll just come out with it. How are you all okay with sleeping with me, doesn't it bother you?"

"Oh, that... Well here it is common for a man to have many mistresses even when they are married, in many cases they will all live in the family home."

"Oh right."

I suppose that did make sense with the lack of men here.

"And in your case, you aren't even married so there shouldn't even be a discussion about these things. If you were to marry one of us, I'm sure things would be fine to carry on the way they are as we are all close friends already..."

"We wouldn't mind." Chimed in Lillia.

Altria just silently nodded in agreement with the conversation.

"You would only be able to pick one woman to marry of course, and it would be up to the others to decide if they would be happy simply being a mistress. This is because only one can take the family line and the inheritance to the children. That can some time cause issues as you would expect." Explained Serin.

"I see... And you are all fine with this kind of thing?"

"Why wouldn't we be?" Asked Serin.

I suppose if that was just how things were in this world then they would have no reason to question it.

"I don't know, it's just not how things were where I came from." I answered.

"I see... Well I have never considered if I would be happy simply being a mistress. I had never really considered being a wife either though. My family would expect me to marry a noble due to my position, but I have yet to meet one that wasn't repulsive in one way or another. But now I suppose I would just see how things panned out." Serin said looking at me warmly.

As things stood, Serin was definitely seemed the most likely to be a long-term prospect, not that I didn't enjoy being with the other girls.

"I think the only one that you have any problems with either way would be me." Lillia announced suddenly.

"Right, Liz did say something about the elves taking these sorts of things seriously especially with you being a princess."

"They do, but I'm sure they would get over that if you were successful in you task... It's more to do with my engagement."

"What! You're engaged?" I said almost choking on my words.

"Well, yes. It isn't serious though. It was such a long time ago now, I haven't even seen him in the last hundred years, and we would only be expected to marry if father passed away. The family would definitely have issues if they found out about this though."

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