Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Nine: Next Steps

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I desperately tried to grab my trousers as quickly as possible and clumsily tried to put my feet inside while I tried to dress in my panic. Being caught with Celine was one thing but being seen like this was something else. I had just about got my legs in when I heard the key in the door turn with a clink. By the time Enna had opened it I had them halfway up, fortunately for me my excitement had died down somewhat already.

She looked at me a little quizzically. "You're still changing?"

I quickly finished pulling up my trousers. "I am... I wasn't rushing or anything. Are we in a hurry?"

She grinned. "You seemed to be."

I could feel my face heating up. "Oh right, well I heard someone coming so..."

"I see. Um, I've made most of the preparations. We should be able to leave later. We just need to wait until most of the guards are preoccupied. When they switch shifts is probably our best bet."

"When's that?"

"In just over an hour."

That was soon. It was a relief.

"Okay. There's something else, one of your soldiers, they've started to suspect something is up. I think her name is Ceraphine."

Enna looked back to the door, double checking we were alone. "Ceraphine, so that's why she was asking me all those questions. How did you find that out?"

"She came to speak to me. She said as much herself. She said she was watching me."

"That could be a problem. In that case I'll have to make sure she isn't around when I plan to leave."

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, I'll just make sure she's sent out on errand. That way she won't be here to observe us."

"Good plan."

"I know just the thing too." She said with a smile.

"Sounds unpleasant."

"That's what she gets for trying to interfere."

"Right... There's something else I need to do before we leave. I need to contact my friends. If we're getting out of here, I need to make sure we can arrange somewhere to meet."

"I'm afraid I can't arrange that. Even if I had some excuse to send messengers to them, they would likely attack them as they approached."

"I know, luckily I have a way to get the word to them."

"What? How?"

"Celine, can you come out now?"

"Really master?" Celine asked without reappearing.

"Yes... She's going to have to meet you eventually. Might as try and build up some trust now."

Celine materialised in the room with us. "Okay... So, you're really going through with it?"

Enna looked surprised, but she had barely reacted. She was still stood on the spot, seemingly trying to decide what her next move was.

I knew I had to break the awkward silence. "Enna, this is Celine. She's going to contact the rest of my group for us."

Enna's gaze darted between me and Celine. "She's a succubus?"


Her eyes narrowed as her glance settled on me. "She calls you master?"

"Yeah, she does."

"But why?"

I scratched my head, thinking of the best way to put it. "It's a bit of a long story, probably better if we save it for another time."

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