Chapter Forty-Five: Is this Supposed to be Mixed Bathing?

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Soifra's explanation continued after our food had arrived and into the evening. There was at least some comfort in knowing that we weren't going in entirely blind. Then again, even after she had told us everything that she knew, we still had no idea how many levels we would have to pass through until we reached the bottom, where the demon lord's officer dwelled.

By the time Soifra had finished it was already late evening. After the day travelling, we all wanted nothing more than to head to our rooms and to bed. Because of the lift that the villagers had given us, we were now a day ahead of our original schedule. It meant we had a day to spare. We would spend tomorrow trying to raise my level once more before we attempted the dungeon. It also meant that Altria and Serin would have time to have their armour repaired. Soifra was helpful enough to point out a few local spots where we would be able to train.

As the conversation finally drew to an end, Lillia handed out the keys for the rooms and we parted ways with Soifra for the evening. We had arranged to meet her in the morning, when she would show us to the local training grounds. We planned to form a temporary party of three while Altria and Serin sort out the local armourer.

It turned out that our rooms were all on the same floor and not far from each other. After saying goodnight in the hallway, we each went into our own rooms. I slung my gear down in the corner of the room and sat down on the bed. I started to remove my armour, so I was just in the shirt and trousers that I wore underneath. Once I'd finished, I decided to head downstairs and visit the baths here before I went to bed for the evening.

I didn't pass another person as I made my way to the baths and when I stepped into the room it was entirely empty. I left my clothes in the changing room, took a towel and headed inside. It was completely empty in here as well. I had the place all to myself. It wasn't a surprise this entire place was quieter than the other guild building, and I hadn't seen another person enter the men's baths the entire time that I was there. A layer of steam lay over the bath as I left the towel on the side and climbed into the warm water.

It was a great feeling to be inside the bath. My aches and pains after the fighting over the last few days, the travelling in the back of the cart soon started to melt away, as I leant on the far side of the bath. I closed my eyes as I sat there almost starting to drift off as I relaxed. I think I might have fallen asleep if it wasn't for the splashing sound of someone climbing inside to bath suddenly drawing my focus back. I opened my eyes and through the steam of the bath I could make out a figure at the far side of the pool. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised that someone else had decided to use the baths, but this place was so quiet, and I hadn't seen another man anywhere.

There was something about the silhouette that didn't seem quite right... It was only when the figure started to walk into the bath that I realised what had happened here.

"Oh, Theo wasn't it?" Asked the woman that appeared through the steam.

It was Soifra.

"Y-yeah, it is."

"Oh good, that would be embarrassing if I'd forgotten already!" She answered seemingly unphased by this situation. Only now submerging herself up to her shoulders under the water.

"Err... Have I gone into the wrong bath or is this mixed bathing?"

"Oh no, it's neither this is the men's room. I've just got used to coming in here. As there are never any men here, I always have the place to myself. I suppose that's why you look a little embarrassed."

"It was a surprise that's for sure. I was alone in here when I got in and I didn't see you arrive."

"Don't worry, you won't get in trouble for being in this situation with me like you would with Lillia." She said as she got dangerously close.

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