Chapter One Hundred and Seventy: Escape?

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I sat there trying to pass the time as best I could until Enna returned for me. It was surprising how slowly time could pass when you were left with nothing but your own thoughts. Things only seemed to drag more now because, I was waiting to be released. I could only guess at the time and how long it would be until Enna came for me.

I briefly toyed with the idea of taking a nap while I waited, but I was too on edge to fall asleep right now. Eventually I heard the far corridor door open and close, then footsteps approaching my room. I just crossed my fingers and hoped that it was Enna and not another of her suspicious subordinates. There was a clang as the key opened the lock to the cell door, then it pushed open.

Enna was stood in the doorway waiting for me. "Come on, we need to hurry." She said in a hushed voice.

I jumped up off the bed a scuttled towards the door.

As I did, Enna passed me my sword and potions pouch. "I thought you would be needing these."

I took the items and started reattaching them to my person. "Thanks, I wouldn't have wanted to leave without them."

"I guessed as much... Come on follow me."

She headed down the corridor back towards the platform I was brought to the cell from. She opened the door to the ledge and stepped out. It was already dark outside. I was glad because it would make our escape easier.

Enna stopped near the edge and turned to me. "Are you ready?"

Celine hadn't returned yet, but she was sure she would be able to find me again.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."

She looked at me and her eyes narrowed. "Okay, whatever you do don't scream. You'll alert the others."

I already had a good idea what was going to happen next. This place was high up in gigantic trees. It was designed for harpies. There were no other observable ways up or down other than from the air. We walked up to the edge of the platform.

Enna stood behind me, she placed her arms around me and then we jumped. The air rushed up against me as we hurtled towards the ground. I was doing my best not to panic and struggle, but I couldn't escape the feeling that I was falling to my death. Then Enna's wings flung open. We stopped falling, my stomach was flung up into the air as we shot forward under the forests canopy.

I could already barely make out my surroundings in the dark and because of the speed we were travelling at, everything I could see was a blur. We dotted about from left to right as we avoided the trees in our path.

I understood that we needed to stay under the tree cover to avoid being spotted, but it didn't make the experience any less terrifying. From this height the fall alone might kill me, I didn't want to imagine what it would feel like if we crashed into one of these trees. I dangled helplessly in Enna's arms trying to keep as still as possible so as not make her flight any more difficult than it already was. I told myself over and over that this was something that she was born to do, she was an expert, it was going to be fine. It didn't make it feel any better.

It was only as we started to slow, that I was able to calm myself. We glided down towards the floor and gently touched down. As soon as my feet were back on solid ground, I breathed a big sigh of relief. We had safely reached the edge of the forest. I almost thought about kissing the ground but thought better of it, because of my company.

Not that my reaction stopped Enna from laughing at me anyway. "Was it really that terrifying?" She asked.

I was still wobbling. "Yes!"

"I suppose you aren't used to flying."

"I'm not. That's only the second time I've experienced that."

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