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October came and Cassia informed Carla and Samuel about what she had heard, the three agreed to have a look when they had a next free lesson, but for now, Oliver, Harry and Cassia was walking as Oliver explained.

"Quidditch is easy enough to understand, each team has 7 players, 3 Chasers, 2 Beaters, 1 Keeper and a Seeker."

They placed the box on the grass and Oliver opened it, he picked up the big red ball and explained.

"There are 4 kinds of balls, this one's called the Quaffle."

He threw it to Cassia and she caught it, Oliver carried on.

"Now, the Chasers handle the Quaffle and try to put it through one of those 3 hoops."

He pointed to three high hoops and continued.

"The Keeper, that's me, defends the hoops. With me so far?"

Cassia nodded and threw the Quaffle back to Oliver as Harry asked.

"I think so, but what are those?"

Oliver put the Quaffle back into the box and then picked up a bat and handed it to Harry.

"You better take this."

Harry held the bat and they watched as Oliver pressed a button, releasing a ball that instantly shot off into the air. It began to come back down and Oliver muttered.

"Careful, now. It's coming back."

Harry swung the bat and hit the ball quite far. Oliver hummed and complimented.

"Hmm, not bad, Potter. You'd make a fair Beater."

He then handed the bat to Cassia and stated.

"Your turn."

Cassia held the bat tightly and waited for the ball to come back down, she then swung the bat and hit it very far, she smirked as it disappeared from view. Cassia uttered.

"PE actually taught me something, other than being picked last when there's teams. Rounders was one of my favourite sport to play."

Oliver chuckled and Harry stared in awe, Cassia was going to say something else when she noticed it was zooming towards them again, and before she could warn them, Oliver caught it and wrestled it on the grass, he soon put it back in the box and secured it before blowing out a breath. Harry asked in awe.

"What was that?"

Oliver answered, trying to get his breath back.

"A Bludger, nasty little buggers."

He smiled and Cassia nearly died from it, she blushed again and Oliver pointed to Harry.

"But you, are a Seeker."

He opened a crest, pulled out a small golden ball and continued.

"The only thing I want you to worry about, is this. The Golden Snitch."

He passed it to Harry and Harry stated.

"I like this ball."

Oliver responded.

"Ah, you like it now. Just wait, it's wicked fast and damn near impossible to see."

Harry then asked.

"What do I do with it?"

Oliver explained.

"You catch it, before the other team's Seeker. You catch this, the game's over, you catch this, Potter, and we win."

Harry held the Snitch in the palm of his hand and some wings appeared and fluttered, it then shot up and flew about, but only Harry and Cassia could see where it was, Oliver was looking in the air for it.

Harry let out a "woah" and it flew back into his hand. Oliver put it away and was about to speak when the bell went off, signalling that it was time for a lesson. So the two said goodbye to Oliver and made their way to Charms.

Cassia sat in between Carla and Samuel and leant back in her chair. Samuel asked her.

"How was meeting with Potter and Oliver go?"

Cassia sat up and responded.

"It went well, but I gotta say, I kept getting distracted by Oliver. His smile and accent literally makes me melt. It's just a shame there's a big age difference."

Carla and Samuel chuckled and Carla added.

"Oh, I'm such a sucker for accents. What accent does he have?"

Cassia turned to Carla and answered with a smile.


Carla groaned loudly and sank in her chair dramatically, causing Sam and Cassia to laugh at her. As Carla was going to speak again, Flitwick announced as he climbed to the top of the stack of books.

"In today's lesson, you'll be learning the incantation, Wingardium Leviosa. This spell levitates an object, but you have to completely focus on the object or the spell will not work. I hope you're writing this down."

The sound of quills scratching against the parchment were heard and he continued.

"Now, one of a Wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, or, the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers?"

Most students nodded whilst Hermione lifted hers up. Flitwick uttered.

"Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement. The Swish and Flick. Everyone."

The students picked up their wands and repeated, Flitwick added on.

"Good, oh, and enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go, then."

The students waved their wands and many didn't quite enunciate properly, but as Cassia was trying hers out, she heard Ron completely butcher the enunciation and aggressively wave his wand, causing Hermione to go all bossy on him.

"No, stop, stop, stop, you're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong, it's Leviosa, not Leviosar."

Ron huffed and stated.

"You do it then if you're so clever, go on, go on."

Cassia shook her head at their bickering and confidently casted the spell, causing the feather to softly lift off the desk and get controlled by her wand and concentration. Hermione's feather was also up and Flitwick happily announced.

"Oh, well done! See here, everyone, Miss Taylor and Miss Granger's done it. Oh, splendid!"

Cassia smiled at Hermione, who smiled back and she held in a laugh at Ron's salty facial expression. Cassia received pats on the back from her two best friends, but her concentration was interrupted by Seamus blowing up his feather. Students laughed and Harry muttered as he had soot on his face.

"I think we're going to need another feather over here, Professor."

Cassia snickered and Harry looked at her. After that had happened, Flitwick ended the lesson early and the Diamond Trio had a free lesson, so they sneaked off to the 3rd floor corridor. They walked on the right hand side and came across a big door, to which Carla tried to open it, but it was locked, so Cassia used Alohomora and it unlocked and began to open.

When the door was open wide enough for the three to fit through, they entered, only to halt and stare wide eyed at the massive three headed dog that was asleep in front of them.

Careful not to wake it, they quietly, but quickly exited and locked the door. Their backs were to the door and all three of them were in utter shock. And without a word, the three then made their way to the Great Hall where the Halloween feast was being held.

𝐻𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑅𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠 𝐼𝑡𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 ● Harry Potter x OC (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now