|50| Who Are You?

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(Your POV)

"You're serious? You really aren't nervous?!" You blinked, still having trouble believing it.

"Why would I?" Karma simply shrugged as you continued going down the mountain.

"Because you're going to space!" You insisted. "You made a big deal the other day!"

"Heh fair point but I'm not worried anymore," he simply said. "Mmm... now would be a good time to think about my bucket list," he pondered, ignoring your worries. "Ah right! I still have to get you into one of those costumes from the thrift store," he grinned devilishly.

"Karma!" You whined, "I'm being serious! What if something bad happens?! What if you get stranded out there?!"

"I guess I'll just die then," he shrugged.

"Karma!" You shrieked and slapped his arm. "That's not funny! Do I need to remind you it was you who wanted to send Terasaka because his life was as expendable as a dummy's?"

"Where's the lie though?" He grinned from ear to ear. "But, all jokes aside, you worry too much, okay?" He ruffled your hair. "I'm gonna be alright, nothing's gonna happen. Nagisa's also going and that octopus won't let any of his students die," he stated. "Trust me, I tried."

"But even so," your eyes were wider than ever. "You have to promise me you'll be careful!"

"Yeah, yeah," he rolled his eyes. "I'll try to come back in one piece," he stuck his tongue out as you felt your soul leave your body.

At this rate, he was going to be the end of you.

"That's not very nice Karma~" Nakamura suddenly appeared as she caught up to where you were. "You're making your poor girlfriend worry about you~" she snickered.

The group finally arrived at the bottom of the mountain and made your way to the main campus, eager to get home and call it a day.

However, as you were approaching the gates, you took notice of a number of students whispering between one another as they stole curious glances at the person waiting by the fence.

"Have you seen him?" You heard one of them say, her words grabbing your attention.

See who?

"Didn't he come by a few months ago or something?" Another one said.

You paused. Was it Kaori? You remembered he had come to pick you up on more than one occasion per your mother's request, though of course he had done it in disguise.

You sped up your pace, you were dying to see him. After your last conversation, you had supposed it was going to be the last time you would see each other, at least for the time being. But the fact that he had come to pick you up must mean that he had come to say a last goodbye.

It didn't take you long before you spotted the person that had caused such a commotion. Your eyes inspected him from head to toe, black hair and-

"Akiro?!" You gasped.

Your body practically moved on its own as you ran as fast as your legs could go, ready to tackle him into a hug. But, as the distance between the two of you got smaller and smaller, your pace began to slow down until you came to an abrupt stop.

The two of you stared at each other in silence, millions of thoughts dashing through your mind.

You were supposed to be mad at him. He had called you a coward, he refused to hear you out, he left without even saying goodbye, he took weeks to reach out and worried you to no end. So why were you running into his arms?

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