|74| The Dinner

793 26 44

(Karma's POV)

"As always, the princess is late." A playful smirk tugged at my lips. "To her own party no less." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the irony.

I tossed my hands inside my pockets, and boredly leaned against the wall. Knowing her, this could take a while. A sudden notification, however, caught my attention.

Nagisa: She isn't here yet, what should I do?? >"<

I frowned momentarily. Who wasn't the-? Oh.


I grinned deviously. Right. This was going to be fun.

Me: If she's anything like (Y/N), then you better start searching for a place to set camp

Nagisa: WHAT?? You think she's going to take that long?

Me: Who knows? Maybe she bailed ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Nagisa: You really think so!?!?!

Me: Pfft- No. Relax dude

Nagisa: Right right

Nagisa: Haha sorry

Nagisa: Uh... What about you? Is (Y/N) late to dinner?

Me: Yeah, she got distracted shopping with Nakamura

Nagisa: Ah right, they were going to get her a new wardrobe

Nagisa: But, wait. Wasn't it at her place? Can't Akiro-san just let you in? o.O

Me: I rang but he's not home

Nagisa: Oh. Then I guess we're both in the same situation (;'∀`)

Nagisa: Well, since you aren't busy...


Nagisa: What should I do???

Me: Just... wait until she gets there...

Nagisa: -_-

Me: What?

Me: I really don't know what else you want me to say ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Nagisa: Karma!! It's not funny! I need help over here T_T

Me: Geez if you were gonna be so nervous then why even agree to the date in the first place? :P

Nagisa: I didn't know it was a date!! By what she said, I just assumed we were ALL going to hang out as friends T_T

Nagisa: Come on Karmaa!! You gotta help me!!

Me: I would but there's not much to coach here. Kayano hasn't even arrived yet

Nagisa: -_-

Me: Okay, okay

Me: C'mon, where you going?

Nagisa: She said she wanted to go to that lantern festival they're doing at the park tonight

Me: ...

Me: Nagisa. How the hell did you not know that was a date?

Nagisa: I just-...

Me: You what? (◔_◔)

Nagisa: (; ̄ー ̄川

Nagisa: First, promise you won't make fun of me

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