Chapter: 46

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"Well done, the six of you did very well," Bradford praised them. 

Morgana and Helen sat on the hospital bed near them with the girl. After a lot of reassuring and cookies. She told her name.


The man who was murdered In front of her was her brother and Andrea didn't need to dig any further information to find out that the girl very much did not like her. 

After Bradford's praises and reporting, they dragged themselves to their rooms.

Andrea took a cold shower. The wintry water slicing down her body, cleaning away the blood and sweat.

She stepped back as he stood up.

"You're not one of them Andrea, you'll never be. You're one of us. You don't belong to them. You belong to us. You belong with me."

"I belong to no one, I only belong to myself,"

He gazed into her eyes ambling a little closer, their faces inches away from each other.

"When will you be back?"

His breath fanned her, hinting that he had been smoking.


"Though it's not like you ever tried to stay,"

She glanced back to see that the girl and the Sicariur were gone.


So was Casper when she turned back.

She was just a little messed up.

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