Chapter: 61

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"We sent a few Divinuses there to investigate the place but they never returned, then we sent another batch they came back but a few days later they didn't wake up from their sleep"

"I don't know, they weren't sick before, there wasn't a sign that they had a fever. They just……. died."

"she came back from her trip from Helker, a day or two passed by. We were being informed of the sudden deaths of the members. Dad was getting worried about her, a week passed by and she was still healthy as ever,"

"It was Ludere season and dropped me off at Divinus, to let me watch a match. It was in the middle of the night when Morgana came into my room and told me she was," he gulped, “Gone. Gone forever"

"I thought she was joking, but she wasn't someone who would normally come into someone's room and tell their mother is dead."

“Those things took her form, but what about the rest of..”

“We had placed these in them,” he held a small gadget between his finger, “with the press of a finger the decoys died, except ya mothers. We decided to let it live a while, to make ‘em think She died. But she isn't, she's alive, hidden away,”

It all started to make sense to her, a few of the puzzle pieces were with her, they all started to fit. But one question remained unanswered,  one puzzle piece was still missing.

Andrea’s caught a glimpse of something......or someone in the shadow.

It was Leo.

He placed his index finger to his lips, promising her to be quiet.  

Auster followed her gaze, before he could spot him Leo had his back in the shadows.

“Whatcha looking at galah?!”

“Anything but your face,” Andrea retorted monotonously.

As Auster turned and examined the holographic image.

“They're just past this very door,” he mumbled.

“Ya know Andrea, your just as bad and cruel as a man can be,”

“I’m not a man, but you made it very embarrassingly clear that you are one,”

Andrea felt her bindings loosen. She slowly stood up and Leo handed her the watch. The sound of the sword forming caught his attention making him turn around. Seeing Leo had caught him off guard. 

The Fallock was waiting for Auster's orders. 

“How did you get into Helker?” Leo asked, aiming his ebony sword at him.

A smile grew on his lips, “ with the help of our spy of course”

Leo glared down at Andrea backing away from her, regretting to come and save her irresponsible arse, handing her weapon.

Auster let out a laugh, “he's aware that yar a murderer? Whatcha gonna do not? Kill me?”

“you won’t be the only one dying,” he glanced at Andrea.

“You know who it is Thomson,”

“Lauranda? Seriously birch?! Her of all the people,”

“Eagon's wife? Eagon? Doesn't that name sound familiar to you Andrea?”

Without any warning, the Fallock charged towards Leo. Andrea raised her hand crashing the creature against the wall, it twitched. 

“Meet our loyal Sicariur,” the two turned, the woman who stood in front of them shocked them.

“Maryline?” Andrea muttered.

She stood there with a proud smiling in the Sicariur’s official attire.

“She served Marcella so well, she managed to hack your brother's  robot, it wasn't easy, was it Maryline?”

She shook her head, “no sir,”

“sadly she couldn't send us the location of Divinus,” Auster let out boisterous laughter,  “you have nowhere to run, you're outnumbered,”

“How so?”

 Making her regret the words she said Sicariurs began to appear.

The two cursed under their breath.

They readied themselves to fight.

“Callista is behind that door, go get her and anyone else,” Leo muttered to her.

Cusses, bullets, flame balls flew. 

Andrea couldn’t spot Leo anywhere. A Sicariur attacked her from behind, she swiftly elbowed him and ran her blade across his thigh and pushed him to the floor.


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