02| His Smile

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I squinted as the rays of light pierced my eyes , I turned my head but I heard a whimper when I did I got up , I saw that 13-year-old girl , Shit! I was sleeping on her lap , her leg was already bruised and now what have I done? I hurt her more? 

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I squinted as the rays of light pierced my eyes , I turned my head but I heard a whimper when I did I got up , I saw that 13-year-old girl , Shit! I was sleeping on her lap , her leg was already bruised and now what have I done? I hurt her more? 

She looked at me in between her long lashes , she was one of the most gorgeous girls I had ever seen , she says she is an outcast? And I care? No , why does this feel different with her? What was her name? 

''Oh am sorry'' I chuckled getting up from her lap , she held the tree she was resting and got up weakly , When I gave my hand to help her , she refused , oh yeah , I was the aristocrat , who made such baseless laws?

''Look , girl , you forgot to tell me your name , please tell me what it is..'' I asked extending my arms , she opened her mouth and then again shut it.

''I need to leave..'' she whispered and started running with a speed I never thought a limp person could run.

''Hey!'' I yelled running behind her , she tried her best to run away from me with me in hot pursuit , in the end I grabbed the edge of her saree and pulled it , Such a kid!

A rip reverberated the forest as her saree tore into two , in the process , she slipped on the wet forest floor and tumbled falling on top of me.

''Shit!'' I cursed as her whole weight was on me , I was taken aback when I saw her whole body shivering , her grip on my shirt extremely tight.

''Are you ok?'' I asked my hand rubbing her locks soothingly , what else can I do? She was weeping , She quickly retracted and got up , dusting her saree , a huge chuck of cloth missing and ripped and it was with me.

''I am going back to my village , they doesn't know that I literally ran away , they think that I went to bring some water , goodbye Sir..'' she quickly whispered and bowed her head slightly.

''No before I know your name kid..'' I smirked grabbing her arm and yanking it behind her , her back pasted onto my front.

I bend down near her ears and whispered ''Your name first then kid , then I will let you go'' she snapped her head and me and pouted cutely..

I raised and eyebrow and smirked ''Bondita'' she snapped before letting go of her hand from mine , she ran away into the woods , I couldn't run again , I looked at the torn piece of her cloth and smiled 

''Hmm Bondita , cute'' 


I got back home ready for a bunch of shouts from my uncle , I entered my house and got glares from my whole family , I rolled my eyes and shut the door to my bedroom.

I jumped onto my bed and sighed , I am not getting sleep today , her broken face flashes before my eyes , I shut my eyes tightly and toss and turn between the sheets. 

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