14| His Jubilance

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                                         S E V E R A L   M O N T H S   L A T E R

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                                         S E V E R A L   M O N T H S   L A T E R

Dear Diary,

It's a new day, and I am looking forward to the verdict, the fame and success I earned in London will never go worthless. I know that my hard work will pay off. 

If I win, people will all around Great Britain will know my name, So I hope it's a success that is awaiting me.

There is nothing more I have to write, Exhaustion is killing me, gnawing me bare, I need a good night's sleep, my whole body feels like a burden but that will never stop me from being who I am.

I sighed deeply as I decided to close my book of leather, that is when I noticed the piece of silk cloth tied on my bedsit, it used to be hers when it ripped into my arm, I have kept it till today, my jaw clenched at her lies and treachery, that was the end.

I took my pen and tightened my palms with pressure.

I miss her.

I wrote those three words I had never written for years, I gave up to the temptation, I couldn't help, shutting the diary harshly I kicked my shoes off my feet as it tumbled off somewhere into the huge bedroom, designed magnificently and intricately by the best architect of London, my house is one of the most expensive residences till date.

I placed my head on my plush pillow while I tried my best to close my eyes, but sleep just couldn't hit me. I tried hard to shut my eyes but something was triggering.

A feminine voice came into my head haunted me.

''I-I am an outcast, please don't t-touch me''

''I don't want to marry so I ran away''

''Umm I wanted to thank you''

''Just leave me alone!''

''I am infertile, I had a miscarriage''

''Bondita!'' I gasped as beads of sweat came down the sharp edge of my jawline, I wiped them away with the back of my palms and breathed deeply, my hand clutching my heart.

''What is wrong with me?'' I whisper grabbing the glass of water from the nightstand and placing them on my lips, the water going down my throat.

''What the hell is wrong with me!'' I curse sitting down on the rugged floor, I heard the door open and close simultaneously, I felt someone's presence beside me.

I looked up to see two beautiful embers looking down at me, those delicate tendrils falling on her face, that beautiful frame I have never seen in years, I felt my heart on my throat, my breath hitching. 

There is no way she can be here, no way, she is far away from me, away in Bengal, I am here in London, I am hallucinating.

But she looked so real, not faux, just as ethereal as before, like how I always dreamed her, there is no way she could be unreal.

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