22| Her Addiction

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A/N - An interruption again, Apologies.

Another trailer that belongs to a story that is inspired by my life, hope y'all like it.

Y E A R S   A G O 

B O N D I T A - 13

A N I R U D H - 16 

. . . 

''How could you be so cruel Bhargav! She is our mother, how dare you say such things about her'' I snap at my brother who came back, a careless expression on his face. He placed a wooden stick onto his teeth, chewing and moving it between them.

''I am not lying, I am just tired of this shit, why can't she do what dad tells her to do! Why should she be so adamant! She deserves this!'' he shouts making my tears slip down my eyes in anger, this is not my brother.

''Go marry that merchant! Tapas Mukherjee! And get us some money, we are broke, this is a rare chance, they don't need any dowry, they just need you, at least you could do some help little girl'' he spats viciously making my heartbreak audibly.


''Or maybe him, what was his name, Anirudh Roy Choudhary, heard his mother helped ours today, such a prestige, good, marry that filthy rich high cast, we can get more money than from Tapas.'' he snickers, a dark glint in his eyes which was once filled with love. 

''What the hell are you talking about! I have never even seen him in my life! Anirudh Roy? I have just heard his name, do you think people as low as we ever get to see people like him? Have you lost it?'' I lost my marbles and grabbed his collar shaking him violently. 

He grabbed my arms and ripped it apart, smirking ''Don't be feisty with me little sister, you're 13, you're good for seducing, go one, be of something good, go whore around!'' he says pushing me, I stumbled backwards.

''Do you think of me like that?'' I ask, my lips quivering, my voice trembling and quivering. 

''Of course, I do'' he says casually biting his nails, shaking his leg up and down, raising an eyebrow with uninterested eyes.

I tightened my fists and stormed outside, tears of hurt cascading down my cheeks, never even in my dreams did I imagine my brother would do this to me. Before I knew it, I was through the main town, bustling with people.

I hate towns, it's always so busy with white British rode with their fake pride, heads high and chest puffed, looking at us like lowlives. I scuffled through the men doing their chores and jumping over the women sweeping their verandas, dust coming from them.

I tied my hair in a tight bun with a few loose strands over my eyes, tightening the knot of my saree, I sighed at the extreme heat that made me sweat, the woods were cooler. 

I stopped in my tracks when I saw a huge mansion that towered over the others, its extravagant architecture screaming money. I knew at once that this is the famous house of the Roy Choudharies, our overlord.

I ran my eyes over that architectural marvel, I can only imagine living in such a place, My eyes snapped into the house courtyard when I heard a female laugh.

I softly peeked into the gates of the house, my hair falling over my face, I saw a pretty little girl of my age running through the huge verandah, lined with marbles, I saw my saviour sitting on the chair, looking at the girl with a smile, her hands on her womb.

She still radiated power yet motherly love, I truly adore her, thank you for saving my mother, I whispered to myself.

My heart stopped when I heard a burst of deep laughter, which strangely belonged to a boy in his teenage period, his hands came and wrapped around the girl's waist, lifting her up, making her scream in joy.

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