04| His Memories

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I stretched my hands and a yawn erupted from my mouth, I rubbed my tired face, placing my ink pen on the side, It has been 3 years since I left India and I rarely missed that place

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I stretched my hands and a yawn erupted from my mouth, I rubbed my tired face, placing my ink pen on the side, It has been 3 years since I left India and I rarely missed that place.

London is majestic and magnificent, the perfect place for me, Being a 20 year old gave me a lot of responsibilities and within 2 months I am a barrister and I couldn't wait for that dream to come true!

But there wasn't a day that I didn't miss her, strangely she made her place in my heart, creeping into its deepest roots, Again a smile crept into my lips as I remembered, As I didn't know her address, I couldn't send her any letters. The chair screeched as I got up, I heard footsteps approaching me, I looked up and saw a brunette smiling at me, his hands crossed across his chest.

''Edward! What brings you here my dear friend! What do I owe this visit'' I said getting up, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

''Well is there any specific time to see my best friend! I missed you mate!'' he laughed livelily, I joined him, it has been months since I saw him, he had been away with his family and he was the closest person I have been since day 1 in London.

''Still, dreaming about your girl hmm Anirudh? I can see that in those hazel eyes'' he teased patting my shoulders harshly. I shook my head chuckled, He was right, she never left my mind for a single second.

''Well did you get the invitation for the annual ball? A lot of governors will arrive showing their pomp that day, be ready with your best suit mate!'' he said handing me an invitation that had my name inscribed in golden letters.

I squinted my eyes and took it and opened it, it was taking place in 2 days and I was nervous already, I was never interested in balls. Nevertheless, I had to attend this ball as this was important for my graduation. I pursed my lips and patted his shoulders.

I walked towards my dorm, Opening the wardrobe, I raked my fingers through my infinite amount of clothes. It was tough to choose a perfect one for the ball, My eyes caught a new piece of English dress suit. I smiled softly taking it off the hook, I gazed at it for a long time before deciding to go with this. 


''Let's go! We will be late for the party, we wouldn't want to miss the ball'' Edward said adjusting his tie, I nodded grabbing the brush, and combed my hair backward, after spraying some spritz on my body I was ready to go, I couldn't believe I was going to this ball.

The soft music entered my ears as elegant couples swayed on the dance floor, It was so beautiful to watch them dance. My best friend Meredith accompanied to the dance floor, her blonde hair had tendrils falling on her face, she was a beautiful girl with blue eyes.

''Ah you look good Indian Lad!'' she teased as she swirled with me, she never had any romantic feelings for me, she was interested in Edward, I can't even imagine the idea of my best friends in love. No Pun Intended.

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