At the grave, Grieving

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I'm sorry to include this chapter but Baji's death took a toll on me like no other, so I have a baji fanfic. You can check that out. This will follow the manga. Please vote to support. Uwu

You can check out the Baji fanfic on my profile.

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It's raining hard at 9 pm. My hair is drenched and the Toman uniform is sticking to my back, but I seem not to care. It's getting harder to breathe as I stare at his grave.

"Chifuyu, will Baji understand my feelings for Mikey? Am I betraying him?" As I ask this, Baji's face, his smile appeared in my mind

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"Chifuyu, will Baji understand my feelings for Mikey? Am I betraying him?" As I ask this, Baji's face, his smile appeared in my mind. " I love you too...Y/N". His last words to me.

"I believe he wants you to be happy." Chifuyu snapped me back to the present. "It has been 2 years Y/N and there wasn't a single day that you missed coming here. He used to tell me "Y/N deserves a better life but I don't know how to give that to her Chifuyu" and he knows Mikey-Kun. I believe he will be happy to know that." Tears run down my cheek thinking, it was him and it will always be him. Then what is it that I feel for Mikey? Why am I so desperately trying to hold him together when he is falling apart?

"How did y'all end up together?"

"Huh? Oh...umm...I don't think this is a great place to talk about it. Can I catch up with you later? I need to spend some time with him" I asked Chifuyu, with a pleading tone in my voice.

Chifuyu looked at me and smiled.🙂
'Yeah'. Then he left.

I sat down on the ground trying to be comfortable when I see Baji leaning on his gravestone with his fangs out.

'You are pathetic as shit! Y/N', Baji said or so I imagined he did.

"Baji...remember when you found me eating cat food that you left for the kittens?".I thought for a moment as I started sobbing again as if there is no yesterday or tomorrow.

It's raining cats and dogs. Baji still leaning on the gravestone.

" Y/N, Mikey loves you too. And he is the only dude I can trust you with. You will be my girl in another lifetime, but Mikey needs you."

That! Not again! " Mikey needs you!" That is what Baji said before he left this world. The responsibility that kept me alive.

(Baji before dying)
"Y/N, Mikey needs you. Promise me you will be with him. Always."

"Baji......I will come with..."

"Promise Me!......... Y/N, I love you too."

"Baji no!".

(Next Morning, back to the present)

I woke up with a jolt realising that I fell asleep in the graveyard yesterday. To my surprise, Mikey was there early in the morning. He covered me with a blanket as if he knew I will be here. Why does he look so blurry?......


"Bless you", Mikey said smiling at me.
" You need to come home with me. Your temperature is rising ", he said looking towards Baji's grave.

That's the usual Mikey for you. Caring, charismatic probably a future teller too. That 18-year-old body probably is a home for someone more mature.

He grabs me by my shoulder and takes me to his bike. I still had the blanket on and since I couldn't stop shivering, Mikey made me sit at the front, me facing him, legs around his waist like I'm hugging a pillow.

" Hug me while I drive. I don't want you to fall off ", he said in a melancholy tone.

You can skip through if you don't like sad stories. I had to write it out since Baji's death affected me. It made me realize what it truly feels like to lose someone to death.

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