After Emma's Death

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It was dark when I reached my apartment. Mikey wasn't home either. He is not home that often anymore and I give him the space because what in this world do I say to him?

Hold on this soon shall pass? Or Life is just a fucked up game?

I sat in my usual place looking at the stars, in desperate need of guidance.

'Dad, Mom, Baji? How do I console him? His wounds are bigger than anything right now and I just simply don't understand what to do.'

'Stay with him Y/N'

I jumped at the voice and turned around to see Kenchin. 'When did you come here?'

'I came here to drop mikey off. He was being reluctant to leave the dojo but...' He inhaled slowly,' he is a mess right now. I couldn't make him do anything. He was simply starving himself. Y/N I'm just too broken to do anything right now.' Kenchin's voice started to crack. I slowly walked towards him and leaned in for a hug even though he was towering against me, just didn't know what to do.

He hugged me back.

'Kenchin, I miss sissy.' My eyes started to water.' But I promised her to take care of you and Mikey. Please cooperate with me and let time heal the wounds, yeah?'


I felt drops of tears on my head and the hug became tighter as I buried my head in his big brotherly chest.

'I already cooked some food. I will put it in the box for you,' I said letting go of him and walked towards my room.

Mikey was sleeping, all curled up with the dirty towel, dark circles are vivid under his eyes. He didn't look innocent anymore but a wounded soldier. I sighed as I packed the bento that I cooked earlier and handed it to Kenchin. He took it from me with a smile before he left.

I looked at Mikey again. 'Is he sleeping to escape reality or what?' I thought as I walked to get some Bento for him and dorayaki.

Mikey's POV

I was lying on my bed but something seemed wrong. It was the bed that Shinichiro and I used to lay on. I looked up to see my brother sitting on the wooden floor at the side when he looked over his shoulder to smile at me.

'Mikey, get up. You need to eat something.'

'Emma?' I whispered as I squinted my eyes to see Emma and Baji towering over me with a bright smile on their face


Where am I? Am I dead?

'Mikey wake up, please.'

The voice was getting louder with every passing second and the figures started to fade.

'! NO! NO! WAIT DON'T GO!' I jolted up to see I was in
Y/N's bed. It was then I realized, it was a dream.

'Are you alright?' Y/N asked but I just couldn't answer. There was no strength left in me. I looked at her worried complexion as her eyes drifted everywhere on my face.

It took a moment before she calmed herself and slowly came closer to me. Her lavender scent was lingering up my nostrils. With the napkin, visible in her hand, she proceeded to slowly wipe the perspiration from my temple as tiny drops of water drooled down the side of my ears. I gazed at her eyes. The eyes that have seen it all, the eyes that knew it all, the eyes that were strong yet caring, unlike me. I was pathetic. I was weak.

She didn't say much while wiping all the sweat away while lifting to take my damp tee shirt above my head. I didn't resist. I didn't know what to do really. She took her was napkin now and started wiping my chest and my back slowly, her movement, her approach won't even startle a stray cat. I watched her do all that before she left to bring the small bowl of food.

Before feeding me, she looked at me with her dark, mysterious eyes for a moment as her face came closer to mine. The eye contact didn't break. Now we were breathing the same air. She slowly put her soft warm lips on mine, moving it with her tongue finding its way in my mouth. I let her. I let her do everything because her presence affects me like anaesthesia and I have no control over me. Before I realised it she already moved away and took a spoonful of bento and put it in my mouth.

I chewed it and swallowed it, even though all my guts wanted to throw up from the physical pain, I didn't. The silence was comforting. Something I was needing the most and she knew it.

'I got you some dorayaki,' she said in a low sweet tone. She was even feeding me the dorayaki. I just stared blankly at her.
My stomach now growling since I didn't feed it for the last 3 days.


It was almost midnight and none of us had slept. He was now snuggled in my chest with sheets pulled up to our waist. I just didn't know what to tell him so I stayed quiet. The kiss I gave him before feeding him worked its charm. I don't really know why I did it. I just did.



'Will you also leave me?'

'No Mikey. I will never leave you.' I said hugging him tighter as his grip tighten around my waist.

'I saw Baji and Emma and Shinichiro.' He said. I could feel my top getting damp. 'They were all happy.'

'That's good.' I smiled optimistically. 'This cruel world wouldn't have been able to give them the life they deserve so heaven called them back.' I was choking on my words again as my heart dropped, slowly thudding than usual.



He didn't say anything after that until I realized he fell asleep but this time. It looked somewhat peaceful. I pecked on his forehead as tears running down my cheeks I was holding all this time.

'Oh God why?' I whispered. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't see Mikey like this. I couldn't get over the grief.

This is killing me.

Mikey's POV

I heard stop sobs escaping her mouth occasionally but I didn't say anything. I love her a lot but this is something way beyond my fixing. Y/N was my mirror. She pretended to be strong but to be honest she was broken inside.

'I have decided.' I thought finally dozing off to sleep

Bonten's Acting President Y/N || (Mikey × Reader) ❤ (Baji × Reader) 💜Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu