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'Emma-chan! Hi..' I said as Baji let go of my braid.

'Emma-chan, I didn't know you were going to be here.'

She giggled,' Me either. I overheard Mikey this afternoon. You are joining Toman, right?' She asked. Before I could answer Baji said,' Hey, thanks for ruining the mood Emma'.

'Not a problem', Emma answered. 'What's up with Baji? Is he your boyfriend or something?'

I felt my cheeks getting hotter. What is he really? Why do I always have the urge to kiss him? Why do my cheeks burn with I look at him like I'm looking at him right now?


I snapped out of my imagination. This is embarrassing.

'Quit spacing out for Baji,' she teased while we walk towards the shrine. Everyone was there except Mikey and Draken. Finally, after long anticipation, they were here. Everyone bowed to welcome them.

'Good work, commander!'

'The meeting begins,' said Draken. I looked at Emma to ask what was the meeting about but she was already daydreaming looking at Draken. Her eyes kinda seemed blurred out. Oh boy.

'We are going to fight Moebius and beat the shit out of them for what they did.'

As the meeting continued I looked around to see all the members when I saw Mikey. Wow when he is with the gang, he is the boss, just like Emma said. Mikey immediately looked at me and probably felt awkward that I was staring at him. He smiled. He is so cute! I thought when Baji caught me off guard.

'Ready to fight some real battle?'

'Huh..oh...umm' that stuttering again! I took a deep breath when I finally said 'Yes,' and smiled at him. He looked at me for a moment, concentrating on my lips. Why is he doing that? My heartbeat went crazy. Is he going to kiss me? Here? No please this is my 1st kiss ever. He leaned forward and rubbed something from the bottom of my lips and said, making it sound like a whisper, 'How are you always this messy, Y/N'.

I was lost for words, staring at his gorgeous face as if he was some Greek God in front of me. He is still towering over my face and I can feel his soft breath. If he is doesn't move away I'm going to lose it.

'Baji, quit taunting her already and tell her how you feel,' interrupted Smiley.

Tell her how you feel?' What did he mean by that?

Baji smirked, looking the other way when Pah-chin interrupted,' He feels the same way for every single girl he sees. How different can Y/N be.' He was laughing. I looked at Pah-chin and then at Baji but his face was blank. Every single girl? What does he mean every single girl?

'Pah-chin, how did you know that I was a girl?' I asked when a sudden realisation hit me that no one is supposed to know I was a girl.

'Because Mikey wouldn't shut up. He was talking about how you were so eager to learn martial arts that you mistakenly kicked his face and all that,' Pah-chin said as he munching on his snack.' He didn't skip a detail when he was explaining to us how you looked. And I presumed it was you.'

I could feel Baji's anger even to he is not that close to me.

'Oh right. He is a great friend.' I smiled.

Emma pulled on my hand, taking me out of the boys' group. 'Catch you guys later. So that was interesting.' She winked. ' Baji was never this clingy before. He is always all over you Y/N,' she smiled at me. I didn't know what to say. 'So are you coming to the festival this week? Hinata and I are going with Draken and Takemichi. We are going to dress up 👘', she said as she twirled around.

Dress up? But I don't have a dress to dress up.

'No, I have some plans for that day,' I lied, 'but we can meet the next day.'


'Oy Emma let's go' Draken yelled.


Emma ran to Draken and Mikey. I looked at Mikey and smiled goodbye and he reciprocated it. He is such a gentleman.


'Baji, stop doing this or I will someday have a heart attack and die,' I said feeling irritated.

'Come on let's go for a ride', he said looking at the back seat of his bike.

Seriously! I was light-headed. I got on the bike and grabbed onto the back of the bike. He smirked when he saw that and accelerate. As he expected, I fell off the bike and he just couldn't stop laughing at me.

'You need to grab onto my waist, missy'. Baji smirked. I got up while dusting the dirt off the uniform when I was Mikey looking at me, eating his dorayaki.

' Are you alright, Y/N?' Mikey asked

If what Smiley said was true and if Baji really has feelings for me this will trigger him.

I walked up to Mikey. He had cream on the corner of his lips. I turned to see Baji looking at me and I took that chance. I slowly wiped the cream from Mikey's face with my finger and licked it.

'Y/N!' Baji growled under his breath.

Bonten's Acting President Y/N || (Mikey × Reader) ❤ (Baji × Reader) 💜Where stories live. Discover now