Kisaki Tetta

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'Come on hurry up we are going to be late,' Takemichi yelled. Well, he didn't need to if the shoe would fit right damn it. Draken we standing behind me watching my every step.

'I'm fine Ken-chin. I was a little hungry.'

'So you jumped off the roof because you were hungry?'


'Heh,' he sighed. What's up with that big hoody. Didn't Mitsuya..,'

'This Baji's.'


'Alright, I'm ready. Let's go,' I said as I put my hand through Ken-chin's armlock and started walking towards the shrine. Even though the world was buzzing around me, the traffic lights, the people and everyone, my world seemed empty and silent. I walked beside Draken as if there was a motor latched onto my feet making it walk.

I'm sorry Baji, I couldn't come. I will meet you after I'm done saying goodbye.

Upon arriving at the shrine, I saw Emma. Emma? Why is she running towards me?

'Y/N!' She called as she hugged me while crying her eyes out.

'Hey, what's wrong.' Well, she didn't answer. She was balling get eyes out. I let go of her grip and took her to sit somewhere. Draken walked to Mikey, telling Takemichi to never leave my site. Takemichi nodded.

••Draken and Mikey's conversation••

'Thank God I was there on time, otherwise, we would have lost her too,' Draken said as he sat beside Mikey.

'I shouldn't have left her from my site. I confessed my love for her yesterday hoping that will help but didn't. Seeing her like this and not being able to do anything is killing me, Ken-chin'.

'Hmmm. She is wearing Baji's hoody', Draken smirked.

'How will I be able to help her? Ken-chin?'

Conversation between Y/N, Emma And Takemichi

'So you are from the future?' Asked Emma with disbelief. I sat there quietly, listening and digesting everything he just said.

'Yes. That's why I was able to save Draken the other day".

'So why is he doing all this,' Emma asked.


'Quit stuttering!' I shouted. Shit! Why did I just yell at him? Emma held my hand tight putting her head on my shoulders.

'Because of Hinata'.

We both looked at him as if he said something that shouldn't have been revealed.

'He...SIMPS for Hinata since Childhood'.

'Then why does she always get killed in the future?'

'That's what I'm trying to figure out Emma.'

I got up and started to walk towards the bushes.


'Don't follow me or I will kill you right here right now.' I growled holding his collar. Emma covered her mouth with disbelief. I could see the terror in his eyes.

'Takemichi what's going on,' Draken called as I let go of his collar and dashed towards the bush.

The world was empty, my heart was hurting as if someone is choking at me.

So it was not a sacrifice. It was planned.

I couldn't believe anything I just heard. Oh Lord, how will I live with this. I tripped over a root and fell on the ground but didn't bother to get up. I turn to lay on my back, tears streaming down my eyes as I look at a new star in the sky shining brighter than any other.

'BAJI?!!!!!!!'. I wailed until I was out of breath. 'This can't be true. I'm dreaming This will be over.' The tears faded to throbbing pain in my head. Is it my tears that keep my soul alive in the furnace of this pain? They cannot extinguish what has been, yet only carry me forward until a time comes when that searing pain is distant enough to forget more than remembering, and maybe one day erase itself from my brain. I clutched onto my stomach, the pain growing in my heart.

Mikey stood there before walking up to me and laid beside me as I let out from all these year's pain. I felt his warm hand against my neck and over my shoulder as he pulled me in, holding me near his chest, his calming heart. I clenched onto his sweatshirt continuing to cry. This pain doesn't go away.

'I lost everything thing. Again,' I sobbed.

The pain was like fire burning my throat. It blew up in my head with a terrifying blankness. It was nauseating. I started to quiver. The pain felt like a hot, sharp knife, covered in salt, slicing through my skin and into my muscles and bones, as though my heart had been frozen and a bolt of lightning had struck my body from head to toe.”

It was probably more than an hour that we laid there. It was completely silent and dark except for Mikey who was shining brighter than the star.

'I have decided to stay with you, Y/N.'

I didn't answer. I'm don't know what to say. All I knew right now, was I have to kill Kisaki Tetta.

 All I knew right now, was I have to kill Kisaki Tetta

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( Sorry the picture is a but confusing. I just wanted to help y'all visualize how you looked like hehe...)

'Mikey doesn't know anything about it and I don't plan on telling him either.' Takemichi said earlier.

I got up and started walking towards the shrine but this holding Mikey's arm. I smiled at him with my puffy eyes. Finally getting out of the bush I spotted Draken, Takemichi and Emma with some serious looks on their face.

'Y/N-chan!' She rushed in to hug me again, but this time I hugged her back with a happy yet broken heart. Draken came over to see what's going on when I hugged his huge figure.

'Thank you Ken-chin'

He was confused at 1st but later returned my hug while patting on my head with a smile on his face.

Reality is cruel to what we see in movies or books or what we hear from others. Walking down the path that Baji and I used to take, holding hands as I messed with him along the way, seems like a road filled with thorns now. The path I wanted to take as a bride walking down the aisle now leads me to my beloved's graveyard in hopes of meeting him in another dimension or another lifetime. People like Mikey, Draken and Emma hold people like me back assuring that something better is yet to come but is it worth all the funerals held with silent heartbreaks and salty water?

Today, I vouched to myself I will mourn for Baji on Kisaki's dead body. No tear shall stream down the face which is now burning for revenge.

Bonten's Acting President Y/N || (Mikey × Reader) ❤ (Baji × Reader) 💜Where stories live. Discover now