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"What do you have that you don't have there?" He asks, quite confused.

"Stability. " I answer in an heartbeat and their confusion deepens.

"Go home, Wanda." She begs, and I smile.

The notion of home is subjective, and quite frankly, it's lost on me, because I don't know where home is supposed to be, somewhere I feel less broken, somewhere I smile more or just somewhere I plainly exist, because, my darling, I do not have a home anymore, I just want to be left alone in a place I'm quite stable, where I sleep and wake, I eat and drink, where my actions and inactions are my choice, where there's no instability and double insecurities.

Home is a place I can have my occasional breakdowns, psychotic breaks, panic attacks and mental breakdowns without being questioned, judged, misunderstood and neglected.

Home is a place I can be broken in peace.

Perhaps, it's not a place, but a person, either way, I'm homeless, hopefully, just for a while.

_______ when I smile like this, then I know I've made yet, another masterpiece, yet, another broken masterpiece.

_____ inscription in the dark.

Something Mending -- VOL 1Where stories live. Discover now