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it breaks your heart?, that same old love?.

then, darling, why do you still stay in it?, why do you still accommodate him in your cracking heart?, why are you being tessa to a person who isn't your hardin?, why are you playing fiona's role to a guy who isn't caden?.

why are you with him when he breaks your soul?.

you were - still are - made for so much more, you deserve more, don't get used to this. get out, you still can.

don't you see, darling, the cracks, i can  see it, the cracks in your soul, oh it was so whole.

i could hear it from miles back, the breaking of your heart, the shattering of your body.

don't you know it's okay to be selfish?, don't you know it alright to love yourself more, to put yourself first, to love yourself. darling, please love yourself.

you are a woman, a mother of generations, an human, a person. take care of yourself, don't let him hurt you more. pick yourself up, love.

you're a woman and that authomaticaly makes you a warrior. darling, he's just another battle, you've conquered several, he shouldn't be different.

please love, don't be another cliche to him.

stand your ground. fight. fight for your body, it's getting weak.

be strong, darling. he's an abusive man, and we can't - don't and won't - love them.

--- for the darling who desperately - and unknowingly - needed this.

_____ ellie a. o.

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