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"Don't cry, I'm not that special" My elder sister says with a blank look, and I grown in confusion.
She is that special.
"My love, it's okay. I'm not that important." She says
And it took everything in me not to scream amidst the tears on my little face.
She is important. She is special. She is everything to me.
Why is she downgrading herself?
Who embedded it in her?
Who made her doubt her self worth?

She is special, important, irreplaceable, indispensable.
She is strong and wild, powerful and intelligent, smart and good, nice and kind.
She is an embodiment of everything I want to be.
She is my sister, and she carries this Family on her shoulders.

She is special, who made her believe otherwise?
I really want to know who, so I can hold their throat in my head, and squeeze till it gets hard to breath.

"It's okay, my darling." She draws me nearer, and I hold on to her as tightly as ever. You're special, and important, and I love you more than anyone in this world.

Skinny Bone


Something Mending -- VOL 1Where stories live. Discover now