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Will they ever be a time where I'll feel different.
Will they ever be a time I won't be lonely, crave and adore solitude, a time where sadness won't hug like a friend, when pain will never return, a time I am happy, truly, irrevocably, infinitely.

Will they ever be a time my heart won't always ache, a time where my body won't ache because I'm in so much pain.

Will there ever be a happier time, a better time or will I kick the bucket before I have the chance to sleep in a bathtub. Will they ever be a time I'm not riddled with loss, pain and loneliness, a time where loneliness won't be an old friend, a time where I'm happy, truly happy, and I'm not, because I can't seem to.

I'm so lonely, yet in the midst of people, I'm lonelier.

I just want to be happy, truly.

July 28.

Something Mending -- VOL 1Where stories live. Discover now