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Big words - closure, healing, love. Big words that confuses. I don't really know much about Love, and the little I know about closure is not for today. I do know healing, and it is beautiful. It is a process. Time heals they say, and I never believe it. You see, I saw her today, normally if I see anything that reminds me of her - picture, her name, you, me -- I feel this blanket of sadness all over me and it gets hard to breathe, but today, it was calmness, serenity, and smiles. No, I've not forgotten, I don't think I could ever forget the yells and cruel words, but I don't have to remember and dwell on it. I was talking to a weird friend of mine about shit in general and he said he's been waiting for this day, where I'll recognize my stupidness. It is calming, basically a promise of something more today with her, all through the smiles and working and stolen gazes.

This is like a solemn realization that things get better, life gets better, pain fades, dulls into a throb instead of a raging fire. No I'm not the best version of my self, but I'm the better version, the person I've become is not people's favourite and I sincerely, and adoringly don't give two fucks, not even one.
This is healing, and it's beautiful.

December, 2022.

Something Mending -- VOL 1Where stories live. Discover now