Chapter 1

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I walked down the aisles of the plane, my black stilettos making noise every step I took. Here I was once more, running. It's all I knew.

Ever since I was a child, I was taught to run. If you're in trouble with the law, change your name and  leave town. If you owe money and can't pay it, what better way to deal with it than cutting off your dyed hair and going into hiding until it blew over, leaving anyone that knew you behind.

The list went on and on. No matter how big or small the problem was, I learned that you could always run. No one would ever know about it. Hell, it could even save your life.

At this moment in time I am only 19, hardly old enough to get into any sort of trouble like that. Besides the drugs and strip clubs that is. I would still be there if it wasn't for running the moment things went wrong.

My mother. She knew how to do everything wrong, and little right. She taught an innocent child the ways of a criminal. I didn't always understand it. When your mother comes into your room at two in the morning after your first day of second grade and tells you that you're moving, you don't exactly question it. You're still too naive.

It wasn't like she told me the truth either. She wasn't capable of doing so. If she had to get out of town, she simply told me that we were going on a vacation. If she needed me to change my name, she would tell me we were playing a game. Little excuses like these got her a long way.

All the make overs to hide our actual identities... who would question their mom when they offered to do their hair, make up, anything else. Certainly not me.

Not until I realized what she was doing. Around age 12 or 13, I learned that I was different. Everything I believed in, everything I perceived as normal. No one else took vacations and stayed where they were. No one else had to remember a new name, a new birthday, get a make over.

Even when I figured all this out, I continued to do it. If she needed me to lie, I was there ready to do it with no complaints. I never minded. She even gave me a choice, around age 14. We had been in the same place for a year, which was miraculous. I could have stayed, she would have put money through for me.

But, I wanted to join her. 

There was something about it, the thrill maybe. Maybe it was that I couldn't loose my mother, she was the only one I had. I had never met any other family. It didn't matter what made me want to join her running. One day, it just became who I was.

Now, I hardly remember who I really am. I was Kaylee. Kaylee Marie Smith, from Sacramento, California. Hell, I couldn't even tell you when I was exactly born. All I knew was that I was 19.

Where my dad was during my mothers acts? Hell, I don't know. Like I said, the woman never told me one thing that was true. She could have killed the man for all I knew. Actually, that wouldn't surprise me one bit. It has been done to others before.

I do remember the man that is my father though. He towered over me, probably a little over six feet tall. He had arm muscles that were very defined. A dark black mustache, with curly hair that reached his shoulders to match. Dull eyes, sharp features. He almost looked like a cop.

I wasn't sure of his job, but I doubt it was a cop. How foolish would a cop be to marry the woman of many faces? Sadly enough, I am sure that she could trick a cop into believing she was someone she really wasn't.

Anyways, my father worked all the time. I hardly knew the man. Just his appearance and that he had a temper. One day, I never saw him again. I didn't question it. I never even asked my mother, and I still believed her lies at this time in my life.

I didn't ask about the man who had disappeared until I realized how many children had both parents. It hurt, a lot. She would never know that though.

She told me that he left her. That he didn't want me. He didn't love me.

She kept saying it and wouldn't stop. Being young and foolish, I believed her. I yelled at her to stop saying it, the tears had escaped from my light blue eyes already, what more did she want? I never brought it up again.

I think this is what cause me to trust her the most. It did something to me. It made me need her, it made me want to be whoever she told me to be. Maybe, just maybe, it would do some good.

Now, I don't believe that he didn't want me. I don't believe my mother anymore, but it was too late for me. I've been ruined. I'm a spitting image of her, and there was nothing I could do about it. I am a  beautiful monster she created.

I made my way to my first class seat. I sat down gracefully into the large brown seat. I was one of the first onto the plane, which I liked. It gave me time to think. 

I needed to think, it was a huge part of running. I couldn't keep my name, or anything that went along with it. I actually liked this name too, Renee. 

I needed to get away from Scott though, and he knew everything about 'Renee.'  I knew he wouldn't hesitate to find me. I was his. If he did find me, he would kill me. No, it's not an expression. He is definitely a dangerous man.

All Scott every did was use me as some sort of sex toy. When he wasn't busy doing that, he would abuse me. Physically and mentally. It didn't phase me though, not like it would any normal person.

He could call me a whore countless times, and I didn't even flinch. He could force me to have sex with him and I didn't even say a word. To be honest, I don't think I am capable of feeling anymore.

Most girls get involved with people like that and stay, well because they love them. They leave when they are told they can do better by others. But you see, I don't love him. I never did. I did it for the money.

The only reason i'm leaving is because well, he ran out of money. I know, gold digger. How else am I supposed to support myself? Like I can get a job, I don't have a birth certificate or references. Plus, I didn't mind playing the games to get what I wanted.

Now, I needed someone new to supply me with that money. Most people would be worried, worried that they couldn't find someone else to supply them with it. Well, I am not most people.

I was beautiful and I knew it. My skin was like porcelain. I had big blue eyes, rosy cheeks. My body, well, I could make it as a Victoria's secret model with ease. I was many men's dreams and they made the mistake of letting me know that. 

No one ever expects beauty to be the devil in disgise. My mother taught me that, and it was probably the only thing she didn't lie to me about.

While the other passengers boarded, I planned out the new me. I decided I had to rid myself of the short black hair. I could rid the fake glasses Renee always wore, claiming that contacts were uncomfortable. Renee was a rebel, a complete bad ass. Well now, I will be proper and polite. 

This new me would be known as Amber. Amber Rose.

In only a few minutes, I planned out the new me. Sometimes, it scared me that I was so good at doing this. There was never a time for fear though.

I leaned back in my seat, observing the other passengers. Many of the males, even the ones accompanied by woman, went out of their way to wink or make some kind of gesture towards me.

I knew this was going to be a long flight. I closed my eyes, hoping for sweet dreams. Goodbye New York, hello London.


Thank you for reading! Votes and comments are appreciated.... x

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