Chapter 26

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I followed Liam down the aisle of the private plane. This, I was dreading.

On the way here, we picked up the oh so great Madison. Her and Harry have been talking non stop. Even now they're going on about something. Oh how I longed for that to be us. I mentally sighed. I'm his girl friend, so why am I the one feeling like this?

"Would you like to sit with me?" He offered, glancing over at Madison and Harry who were already seated.

"I'd like that." I told him with a small smile. 

Is it bad that Liam is the only thing keeping me from running off this plane?

We took our seats in the back of the private plane and Niall let me have the window seat. Score! Oh, and we were pretty secluded from everyone else which was pretty nice too.

"So, where did you live in America?" Liam spoke up. I hesitated, not wanting to give a specific place. I was really hoping no one would ask me this.

"A few places actually. My family moved around a lot." I covered.

"Ever been to California?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said, trying to shake the memories of my mother and Scott, but there was no use.

"Really? That's my favorite place in America. When we stop there we should do something." Liam offered. He was so nice to me...

"I agree. But umm.." I started. He knew about Scott, didn't he?

"What?" He asked.

"Scott kind of lives there." I mumbled, looking down at my feet.

"I can take him!" He joked, putting his fists up and punching the air. I just shook my head and smiled. He was like a big brother, I loved it.

"You get him tiger!" I encouraged him.

We shared some more small talk before the plane took off and I fell into a deep sleep.

"Welcome to California!" I read the sign as my mom sped down the two lane high way. Once again, we were here.

We only went for a few more miles before turned onto a small, old dirt road that seemed to stretch on forever.

Once we had reached the end, there was a meadow. A beautiful meadow. It was filled with hundreds of different colored flowers, neatly trimmed forest green grass filled in the rest of the land. It was in the middle of nowhere, something that wasn't usual for California.

My mother stopped, and I jumped out of the car immediately. The light breeze caused the meadow to move as if it had a ripple. The sun shone down on us, filling my body with warmth and joy.

It was the most peaceful place I had ever been to. All my worries, thoughts, problems, disappeared as I walked around. Could things get any better.

My mom came over and put her arms around me, "I like to come here when things get rough." She told me.

"I can see why." I told her. She didn't move, it was the first time I felt like her child rather than her partner in crime. I wanted it to stay this way.

"Come on, let's have some fun!" She offered in a light tone before doing carefree cartwheels. I giggled and followed her lead. 

I've always heard that sixteen was supposed to be 'sweet'. For the first time, it really was.

We ran around like a couple of six year olds for awhile, but then she stopped and spoke, "You know I love you right? With all my heart." She told me, looking at me with a hear felt expression.

"Of course I know that mom." I smiled. "And I love you too, more than anything." I told her.

She sat down in a patch of grass and patted the area next to her, signaling me to sit down. I obeyed.

"You know, I wish we didn't have this life. I never wanted you do have to do something like this." She started, looking out into the distance. "It just happened. I was scared. I panicked. And I took you along with me. Sometimes, I feel like I made a bad choice." 

"I'm lucky to have someone who cares about me, like you do mom. No one anywhere else we go does. They never will. Life is okay, it's not normal by any means, but that doesn't matter. That's our life." I said, trying to make her feel better.

"One day, I want us to be safe. Not have to run anymore." She explained. I only looked over at her and smiled. She continued, "One day, I want us to have a house at the end of this medow. It would really be ours. We would be safe here, and normal."

I knew it would never happen, but her thought was sweet. And she rarely revealed those thoughts to me.

"No matter what, even after everything that's happened so far, I love you." I told her. And there, we just hugged. It was a genuine mother daughter moment that I have always longed for.

I awoke to a voice calling my name and shaking me. "Amber are you okay? Why are you crying?" Liam asked, worried.

"I had a dream. A really good dream. Where I was actually happy." I told him with tears in my eyes and a small smile on my face.

"By the way, when will we be in Sacramento?" I asked.


So, I didn't get to double update yesterday. Im sorry!!! D; I really tried. Thank you for reading. Votes, comments, ect? xx (:

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