Chapter 18

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"Why you so obsessed with me? Boy I want to know, lyin' that you're sexing me. When everybody knows, it's clear that you're upset with me. Ohh, finally found a girl that you couldn't impress, last man on the earth still couldn't get this!" I screamed/ sang while on the way to the restaurant with Harry.

"You're delusional, you're delusional, girl you're losing your mind. It's confusing yo, you're confused you know, why you wasting your time? Got you all fired, with your Napoleon complex, seein' right through you like you're bathin in Windex." He scream/ sang back to me.

Yes, this is what we do during car rides. It's actually quite fun if I do say so myself.

"Ooh ohh ohh, boy why you so obsessed with me? So, oh, oh oh, oh. So, oh oh, oh. And all the ladies sing, so, oh oh oh, So, oh, oh oh, oh!" We yelled and sang together. By the last oh, we were clutching our sides do to our horrendous singing.

After regaining my composure, I spoke. "You know, it's a real shock that you're a professional singer." I teased. He gripped his chest, right above his heart, as if he was hurt by my comment.

"Wow, and I thought you were obsessed with me for my singing. Must be my charming looks." He said, turning my insult into a compliment... some what.

"Obsessed with you. Ha! I hate you. Let me out of this car." I joked, but kept my tone and facial expressions serious.

Harry took one hand off the wheel and pressed the button that locks the car doors. "You aren't going anywhere." He said, looking quite crazed. I kept looking at him, waiting for him to burst out in laughter. It  didn't come though.

"You see, I am obsessed with you. Now, why would I let you, my little victim, get away so easily?" He said, smiling like serial killers do right before they tie you up. It was a bit hard to tell if he was kidding or not, especially with all the past Scott drama.

"Oh aren't you hilarious." I told him while rolling my eyes. 

"I'm not joking." He said with a dead serious expression on his face. Okay what the hell...

"Stop." I told him, letting him know I was beginning to get scared. 

He smirked, not looking at me. Slowly, he began to pull over  into the gravel. My eyes widened as his turned dark. I turned and frantically unlocked the door and unlatched my seat belt.

Harry began to laugh excessively. In between fits of laughter he chocked out a few words. "Your face!" He continued to laugh.

I closed the door and put my seat belt back on. "I hate you." I mumbled, looking out the passenger side window.

Once he regained composer, he spoke. "I'm sorry babe. Forgive me?" 

I sighed. Well, at least he said sorry. "Fine." I spoke a bit more coldly than I intended to.

"But, that look on your face was priceless." He said, grinning like Cheshire cat. I shot him a glare. "Don't speak of it." I said in a deadly tone.

"Feisty. That's hot." He said with a wink, pushing my buttons slightly.

I decided it would be best to change the topic completely. "So are we there yet?" I asked him.

"Actually, yes." He said, pointing towards a restaurant within the distance.

"Yes!" I cheered in my seat. What could I say, I was excited to have real Italian food. Oh and dinner with Harry is fun too. But, food.

He pulled into the parking lot swiftly. Once the car was stopped and the engine was off, he got out and opened my door. "Why thank you kind sir!" I said as I curtsied.

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