Chapter 17

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"Hurry up!" Harry said while banging on the bathroom door.

"Hey! You're the one who told me to spend the night, deal with it!" I shot back at him. Yeah, my hating the morning side was showing. Sorry not sorry.

"Ugh!" He groaned from the other side of the door. I sighed and tied a towel around my body before opening the door.

"Oh come on, you didn't have to put on a towel." He complained while walking into the large bathroom. I rolled my eyes, not in the mood.

"I also didn't have to let you in here. You're welcome." I said with an annoyed smile plastered on my freshly washed face.

"Rawr. Feisty." He said while he was getting in the shower. Somehow, I was able to hold back very many rude comments. 

He began to shower and once I finished brushing my teeth, I decided to get dressed. I'm sure the people at the airport would not appreciate me showing up in a towel. Although, I bet Harry would. Maybe more than he should...

I threw on a large sweat shirt, leggings, and uggs. It was getting colder out and I wanted to be comfortable since I had no idea how long the flight would be. I guess you could call it a win win situation.

Once I was dressed, I began to roll my suite case to the hallway. As I was doing so, I ran into a naked Harry. I'm not exactly surprised though, wait, is that bad?

"Hurry up and get dressed." I said, mocking his tone with me earlier. Telling me to hurry and all. Pft.

"Hey! If I didn't have to wait for you I would be ready!" He said back to me. I mumbled a 'shut up' because he was right. It's too early to hold me accountable for my words Styles. Geeze.

 About a minute passed and he was standing next to me with his suite case. I grabbed mine and followed him out the door.

Zayn was driving us so that less people would even notice us. We practically had to beg him though since it was so early. I really can't blame his logic.

Once we arrived at the drop off, Harry and I put our hoods on as well as sunglasses. Since the security was going to scan us in all, this was only so we could get to the point without being mobbed.

"You know, if we showed up to an American airport like this, we'd get tackled and taken to questioning." I said with a shrug. He just laughed.

"I guess I have to keep that in mind." He told me.

We made it to the security and took off our hoodies, glasses, and shoes. Seconds after we had done so, there were people screaming loudly and flashes going off all around. Which of course, pissed off the security.

"Maybe we should always get them mad. It got us through there faster than usual." Harry joked while putting his hoodie back on.

"Or we could just annoy the entire airport by showing up." I said, adding onto his original joke.

We were taken through the airport through a back way. It was really weird, only celebrities and workers took this way. But hey, whatever works right?

As we got onto the plane I came up with an idea.

"You know how we could go completely unnoticed?" I said to Harry.

"How?" He raised an eyebrow, obviously interested. Either that or doubting the privacy plan he had come up with.

"Tweet saying we're going somewhere else. Everyone will head there to look for you." I suggested. I almost regretted saying it because of his silence. Normal people don't think of good ways to deceive others. 

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