Chapter 5

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 There Harry and I sat, in the large hotel room that I was given. We walked as if we had known each other for years. I knew he needed to go, but he couldn't escape so soon. He was interesting and had the affect on me that I had on others.

Harry laid there, sprawled out across the large couch. I sat on the same couch, close enough that his legs rested on my lap.

"You know, I owe you one." He said out of no where.

"No, trust me. You have already repaid me." I told him smoothly.

"How?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and turning his head.

"Well... as you know I am not from here. You've been a friend." I explained to him as he laughed.

"That's not good enough." He said. "-You're coming with me tonight." 

The way he said that showed that he wouldn't take no for an answer. Lucky for me, I wasn't planning on saying no. That would be like finding out you're won the lottery and then giving the ticket away.

"Where would you be taking me?" I asked full of curiosity. 

"If I told you, that would ruin my surprise, wouldn't it?" Harry spoke as if he was trying to be mysterious. I just rolled my eyes.

"What if I don't want to go?" I challenged him.

"Not likely." He said with a smirk plastered on his face.

"I'm not your average girl, Styles. I'd rethink that statement." The words rolled off my tongue, it sounded so sweet. Only if the danger was visible through those words.

He looked surprised by what I had said, but then not so much. "Oh, I know. That's why you're going. Wear something nice." He told me.

I just smirked at him. He was taking a risk with me and deep down, I could tell he knew it. Maybe he was more like me than I had believed. He was up for a game.

Harry stood up to leave, probably realizing the time. As he was about to walk out the door he turned to speak to me. "I'll be here at six. Be ready." He winked at me and left.

I turned to the clock to see how much time I had. Three hours.

Harry had just left, but I already missed his presence. He was one of those people you always wanted around. You didn't simply get tired of him.

I could use all this time with ease, I could have used more if it was avalible. I walked over to the sparkling white bathroom, which would most likely occupy most of this ever lasting time.

I filled up the bath tub with warm water and soap. Most people think that taking a bath is dirty, but it's the same concept as if you hand wash your dishes. If you think that's clean so is this.

I rid myself of the constricting clothing I had on and stepped into the water. I reached for the remote that was placed by the tub. After much channel surfing I settled on watching The Hunger Games. As demented as the plot is, I love it. It was exciting, you couldn't easily predict the events.

I watched the movie in peace as I washed my body, hair, and face. Once this process was complete, I had wasted an hour and a half. I drained the water and rinsed off, then wrapped a towel around my body.

I walked into the room that I had left all my bags in and rummaged through them for something nice. I assumed that Harry meant a dress, let's hope I am correct.

I had bought plenty of dresses, but none seemed to fit. Most of them were very short, party dresses. Others were elegant or sun dresses. When it comes to a dress, it has to fit the occasion otherwise you look like a fool. It would help if I knew the occasion.

I rummaged through the selection of dresses once more and I found the perfect one. It was a foiled lace skater dress I purchased at top shop. (Link on side.) The dress was a bit short, so I added black leggings as well as black heels. 

Once I had put on the outfit, I made my way to the bathroom once more. I decided that my natural wavy hair would be perfect so I dried it with the blow dryer in the room. It took forever before it was completely dried. 

Next I moved onto make up. I didn't plan on caking my face with it, I wanted something natural. I put a slight amount of power on my skin. I then did eye liner and mascara. To top it off I used a light pink lip stick. Not to sound conceited, but I definitely didn't look human. I looked like an angel.

I looked over at the clock and noticed I had five more minutes. Quickly, I put on a pair of diamond ear rings and a gold infinity necklace. 

I grabbed my bag and walked to the room that connected to the rooms exit. I waited for Harry's arrival. As soon as I sat down I heard voices from the hall way, I couldn't help but listen in.

"Harry you're an idiot!" One of the voices said quite loudly.

"Seriously, she could be a cereal killer for all you know!" Another person spoke.

"I'm pretty sure if she was going to kill me she would have done it by now. I spent enough time in there for her to do it." He said, defending me. I mentally 'awhed'.

"So! It doesn't mean you know her. She could be some crazy fan who is  planning something! It's just not right!" A new voice said, struggling to get their point across to curly.

I couldn't hear them speaking anymore, just footsteps. The people were obviously pissed off. I know they had a reason to be, but they don't know me. They never will.

I stayed by the door, knowing a knock was soon to come. Seconds later, there was one. I stood there for a bit, hiding the fact that I have been standing there the whole time. I took a breath and opened the door.

"Amber!" Harry said loudly, then pulled me into a hug that lingered for a moment.

"Hi." I giggled in an attempt to be cute.

"Hey! You're that girl I knock down!" Niall blurted out. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy, but me? Well I almost fell on the floor from laughing so hard. I nodded my head so the others knew it was true.

"Well, I know Harry and Niall. May I ask who the rest of you are?" I said to the remaining three.

One of them spoke up almost immediately. "I'm Louis, and you're hot!" He said having no shame in checking me out. I just laughed.

"You have a girlfriend." One of the unfamiliar ones scolded him. He was about to defend himself, but Harry shot them some sort of look that got them to become mute.

I recognized Louis' voice though, he was the one who thought I was going to kill Harry. Silly boy.

Another one came forward and stuck there hand out for me to shake. I followed the gesture. "I'm Liam." He spoke. Something about him told me that he was the one who could figure me out if any.

He was the one who got the most annoyed over the situation, the one who had last words. "I'd reintroduce myself, but that would be pointless." I expressed. He shot me a smile and the interaction ended.

"Zayn." The dark haired one who called Harry an idiot spoke. He put his hand up and waved a bit. I could tell he was more on the shy side. I waved back at him with a smile plastered on my face. He gave me a smile in return, I hoped it meant he was getting more comfortable with my presence.

"Shall we go?" Harry asked, putting out his elbow signalling me to attach myself. I did as expected and we all went down the elevator.

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