Chapter 29

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Amber's P.O.V.

I looked at myself in the reflection of the closed off window that was at neck level. I wanted to scream in horror. Both of my eyes were black, there was a gash on my right cheek that lined up with my cheek bone. My lips were swollen and cut and the rest of my face had smaller, less noticeable bruising. 

These three days that I have been with Scott have been an absolute nightmare as well as the longest. In the mornings, he would greet me and kiss me against my will. By one o' clock he was drunk and gave me a beating. He would feed me at five, and once I had finished eating, beat me. Then, continuously through out the night he would pop in and hit me more.

At this point, I had given up hope. I knew I was going to die here, I was going to be murdered. Maybe I should have seen this coming. 

Plus, wouldn't somebody have found me by now? Scott isn't the best at cleaning up after himself, he had to have left something for someone to find. 

I crawled into a corner, knowing that the afternoon was approaching quickly. I wanted to beg for mercy, but I knew better than to show weakness. He was a relentless man.

As I curled up into a ball, I noticed all the bruises that covered my body. I had no clue how damaged the human body can get. We're more fragile than I realized.

The door that lead to the basement and I took in a sharp breath and braced myself. Here we go again.

Harry's P.O.V.

"What do you mean you aren't looking yet?!" I yelled at the detective sitting behind the desk.

"Mr. Styles, that is none of your concern." He said calmly.

I could feel my blood boil. "What the hell do you mean 'that's none of my concern?' 

"You're not family. Plus, don't you think we know what we're doing?" The tall man said to me.

"No, I don't. I actually think you're a bunch of stupid pricks!" I yelled at the man. He didn't seem to be taken aback at all, which made me even more mad. Before I could snap once more, Niall pulled me aside.

"Listen sir, sorry but we're the closest thing she has to family and we want to know what's going on. We love her to death." Niall spoke calmly as I stood there with a glare glued on my face and folded arms.

The detective sighs. "We're not looking at a search and rescue case here. It's been deemed as a recovery case." He explained. My heart dropped, nothing felt real anymore. I was going to faint.

"Wh- why?" I choked out.

"There was evidence of force and the blood we found at the scene. Also, we've also seen and heard the threats you have saved for us. We'll begin looking for her body soon, I assure you." He said nonchalantly as if this sort of thing happens all the time.

"Thank you sir." Niall told him as we walked out.

As soon as we were outside of the building all the guys, and Paul, began to stare at me. 

"I don't buy it. She's still out there." I told them.

"Harry... I don't want to burst your bubble, but they are professionals." Paul told me.

"Just because it's their profession doesn't mean they can't be wrong!" I yelled.

"If looking for her will make you happy we're on it. We can start now. But forewarning, there might be things you don't want to see." Paul told me.

I wasn't sure that she was still alive. We needed to look otherwise she would be gone for sure. Right now she needs me. And I can't let her down anymore than I already have.

"Get in!" Zayn yelled out the window of the car to me.

I jumped in the passenger seat as soon as humanly possible and urged Paul to get a move on.

"Do you have any idea where to look?" Paul asked, still not starting the car.

"She was at the beach a lot." Niall spoke up.

"His house was probably in a rural area. She told me she sped down the street to get away from him." I told him.

"So we're looking for a rural area by the beach?" Paul asked, referring back to our information.

"I don't think it would be too far from the meadow. I mean, he didn't waste his time coming to London to find her. He clearly waited for her to make the move." Liam explained to us.

"Good observations." Paul said as he tapped away at his phone. I sat there and tapped my fingers anxiously. Could he hurry up? This was a life or death situation here.

"Well, here it says the closest beaches are in Santa Cruz and Bodega Bay." He explained to us.

"Bodega Bay." I said almost immediately. 

Paul started the engine and pulled out onto the road. Here goes nothing.

"Please, please be out there." I mumbled to myself.

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