Chapter 11

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I flipped through channels on the television aimlessly. I had so much running through my mind, that the thoughts began to blend together. It was actually giving me a headache.

Harry left after the kiss, probably due to the long, uncomfortable silence that it brought between us. It may have been the worst or possibly the best time for a kiss. Honestly, I couldn't even tell you. I could state the obvious and say that we're just a couple of confused teens, but there is so much more to it than that.

It's clear that something is different about Harry. From what I can see, just in his eyes, it isn't something good. He's secretive and sometimes very discrete. He may just be my equal.

Thinking about this for so long and so in depth is making me sick. I needed to speak to Harry, alone, clear my head up and figure out where this was going.

I'm not one of those girls who wait and expect everything to work out in their favor. I know that isn't how the world works. I mean, it would be a lot more awesome if it did though.

I threw on a tie dyed t-shirt and a pair of dark skinny jeans. I then laced up my Steve Madden studded boots and made my way to the door. I arrived at the elevator and pressed the down arrow. The doors opened and as I was about to walk in, I noticed that curly had the same plan as I.

"Uh, hey." Harry said awkwardly, as he rubbed the back on his neck.

"Follow." I spoke, leading him back to my room. There was no point in speaking out in the hallway where anyone could hear us. I rather not be the next TMZ story.

We arrived at my room and walked back to where everything had taken place. "We need to talk." I told him, sitting down.

"Yeah, that's kind of why i'm here." He chuckled deeply. He caused me to feel slightly stupid for saying that, but I guess I can't take it back now. I looked down at the floor, not really wanting to open my mouth.

"I have a question." Harry spoke, causing me to make eye contact with him. "Did you.. not want to me to kiss you?" He asked nervously.

"No, I wanted you to." I lied. What else could I tell him? I ruin lives and I didn't want his to be next? That would be a great story. He was already roped in anyways, he wouldn't believe me. I've tried to save others.

"Then why is this so uncomfortable?" He asked, noticing that my words didn't match my actions.

"I'm just.... worried. I don't know." I sighed. At least it wasn't a lie this time. "You know, I wasn't the only one being weird over it." I called Harry out.

"Well, you kind of made me regret my actions." He shrugged, looking down at his feet.

Lie. Lie. Lie! Liar liar pants on fire! 

I can't even complain though, since when have I been truthful? Hell, I just lied to him as well.

"I guess we can fix that." I hesitated. Even though I knew he was lying I had to play along or this conversation would be completely pointless and a waste of time. 

I pulled him closer by the hem of his shirt, bringing our bodies closer than ever. There was no backing out now. Maybe I am a monster for letting this happen, but control isn't something we all have. 

I took a deep breath and put my lips to his. At first, he didn't kiss back, but once he realized my actions, he did. 

This kiss wasn't anything like the last one. It was more passionate, more urgent.

I pulled away from him and spoke, "where does this leave us?" I needed everything to be out in the open and clear. 

"Where ever you want us to be." He spoke smoothly, leaving it all in my hands.

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