Chapter 7

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Well, I never pictured my first award show to go that way. Actually, I never imagined I would end up at an award show. Anything involving my picture getting taken was frowned upon by my mother. Of course I realize why. Words can't explain how terrified I am of anyone recognizing me.

It sucks there is nothing that I can do about it now. I have to ride it out and hope for the best. Ultimately, my fate isn't up to me. That was decided when I was born, but I can try like hell to delay it.

Anyways, me and all these celebrities were headed to the after party. It was a bit awkward, I mean I was some stranger that didn't know anyone. In return, they had no clue who I was and what I was doing there. Hopefully Harry or one of the other boys stayed with me so I wouldn't be too out of place.

We made it to after party in a fair amount of time. It wasn't any different than a club. Many bodies, music, dancing, and alcohol. I didn't see what was so great about it.

I turned to Harry, hoping to spark some sort of conversation. I could tell that he knew I was on edge due to the incident earlier. "Harry." I said.

"Yeah?" He replied, turning his head and body towards me, giving his full attention.

"Don't drink to much. Wouldn't want to carry you back to my place again." I smirked at him.

He rolled his eyes at me. "I'd prefer getting you drunk anyways." He shot back with a wink, making his suggestion obvious.

My face went straight as if I was annoyed, but then I busted out into laughter. It was impossible to hold it back. "I wish you luck, Styles." I challenged him, since I didn't have the intention of drinking anyways.

"You know, you should have told the boys not to leave me again instead of harassing me." He pointed out, drawing back the conversation to the orginal point.

"I would... but I would leave you too." I teased.

"But... you didn't." He said with a cocky smirk plastered across his face knowing there was nothing I could say to beat that.

"Well now I regret it." I said, folding my arms across my chest and sticking out my tongue.

"Don't lie to yourself babe. We both know you want me." He winked at me, as if he was convinced that was how I felt. I just laughed at the remark.

"Wow, someone has got to bring that ego of yours down a notch." I said, trying not to sound too rude. It wasn't like I didn't mean what I said.

"Is he annoying you?" Niall came up from behind me and rested his arm on my shoulder. I wasn't sure if he was kidding or not, I couldn't see his face. However, I did notice that Harry shot him a nasty glare.

"Nah, everything is great." I explained to Niall. I didn't like when Harry wasn't happy, it made you feel sorry for him even if he was in the wrong.

Niall walked away, back into the crowd of drunken celebrities. I didn't understand why he asked, I mean if he was annoying me I wouldn't have stayed around. Then again, Niall doesn't know that.

"Asshole." Harry mumbled under his breath, referring to Niall. His eyes were cold, his face sour.

I raised my eyebrows at him, tempted to ask for an explanation. Before I could say anything, his grimace turned into a cute, nervous smile. He didn't want to explain it, and that's fine. Who am I to delve into his business?

"Want to dance?" Harry asked me, wanting to change the subject. He appeared hopefully, but that wouldn't change my mind.

"Eh... I'm not so sure I want to do that." I told him. I took a few dance classes when I was little, I was good, but I never really liked dancing. It wasn't my thing.

Dangerous Love (One Direction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora