Chapter 22

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 "What do you mean?" I asked Harry, raising an eye brow as if I had no clue what he was talking about.

"You know exactly what I mean." He stated, looking me dead in the eye. I looked back into his, refusing to break the eye contact. If he wants to know something, he is going to have to be specific. 

"Dammit Amber. Who's Scott?" He asked, getting more and more pissed as time went on.

I rolled my eyes, as if it was no big deal. "Oh him. Ex-boyfriend. No big deal. Were you jealous?" I lied, while throwing a joke in at the end.

"Oh cut the crap. Ex-boyfriend? Really, how stupid do you think I am?" He spat.

"Pretty fucking stupid since you won't believe me." I shot back at him, anger in my voice.

I wasn't really angry, but if I didn't get mad he would think Scott was relevant in my life. Part of me wants him to shut up and listen, believe me and ask no more questions. The other part of me wants to tell Harry about the threats and danger. 

The worst part is, if I don't, Scott could. And who would Harry believe?

"You're being a bitch. Why can't you just admit you're cheating on me!?" He yelled, his eyes showed hurt, but his face showed fury.

For any normal person, these words would hurt. For me, I'm so immune it's sickening.

Although the words don't faze me anymore, I am fazed by the fact that Harry is using them. Maybe things aren't what I thought they were. Maybe nothing will ever change. I'll always be a liar, he'll always be... this.

"I'm not fucking cheating on you! If you haven't realized I am always with you! For God sakes, I just went on vacation with you. Please explain when I had time to cheat on you!" I yelled, slamming my hand against the wall. 

Harry was taken aback by my actions. He pondered over the words I had said, then his whole body relaxed. It was almost as if he was two different people.

He breathed out. "I'm sorry." he spoke kindly. I just raised my eye brows as if I was saying 'I told you so.'

"But... why were you on the phone with your ex...?" I asked in a concerned tone while staring down at his white converse. He didn't want to start anymore fights.

"He uh.. called me somehow." I said, not knowing how to cover this up. 

"Did you not want him to contact you?" He asked me with raised eyebrows.

I guess I should have worded that differently.

"Well.. he was... abusive." I started, looking down at my hands before I continued. "So one day I just left. And now that i'm on tour with you guys well, he knows where I am. And wants to..." I said, but got cut off by an anxious Harry.

"Get you back?" He tried to finish off my sentence.

"Kill me." I stated a little too quick.

His eyes widened, fear flooded his body. Maybe he does care about me more than I thought. Damn, why does he always make me question our relationship?

He came over to me and held me tight in his arms. "I won't let anything happen to you. Never. I promise." He whispered in my ear, his lips slightly brushing against it.

Tears started to fall, I was upset and scared for the first time in a long time.

"I can't ask you to do that for me. He's more dangerous than you think." I managed to choke out before burying my face into his chest.

He rubbed my back as the tears continued to fall. "Shh." He said in an attempt to soothe me.

"You're worth it. I'd do anything to keep you here, with me." He whispered.

I began to feel extremely guilty. I've been lying to him from day one and now, I am so over it. How am I supposed to explain my whole life story to him? After lying for this long, I doubt he would care to listen. He'd just get rid of me.

For the first time in my life, I am in too deep to give up now. 


Eh. Another short chapter. It was more like a continuation of the last one I guess. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! Votes and comments are appreciated :)

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