Chapter 8

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We were all sitting in the sand, gathered around a blazing Bond fire. The sand made its way between my toes as I buried them into the grains. My bikini dampening the shorts and crop top I had thrown over it. This was just another southern California night.

Scott had taken me here. We have been dating for a few months now. I feel nothing, but he is incredibly frightening. It isn't safe to dump him, it isn't a good time to leave. I have to endure the situation I placed myself in. 

"Renee!" He yelled. "Where the hell is my drink!" He finished. I rolled my eyes, I wasn't his slave. I obeyed him anyways. I walked over to the cooler that was filled with refreshments. I poured alcohol into the red cup and threw a slash of coke in. I walked across the sand, just wanting to take my place by the fire once more.

I handed him the drink. After one sip, he threw it at me. "What the hell!" I yelled at him. I did what he asked, there was no reason!

"You took too long! Go make another one, bitch!" He spat at me. He shoved me in the direction of the cooler. I was beyond pissed, I could feel the blood rushing through my veins. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I ran towards the cooler and dumped out its contents, causing all the drinks to hit the ground, causing the glass bottles to break.

"Fuck you Scott! What are you going to do about it now!? Huh!" I picked up a can of soda and chucked it at him. It hit him square in the forehead. I laughed at his pain.

His eyes turned black, as black as the ocean water appeared. He balled his hands into fists and began running towards me. Within a matter of seconds, I was picked up and thrown on the ground. He pinned me down and punched me repetitively. It hurt at first, but everything started going numb. This was how it would end.

My eyes opened abruptly. My heart was pounding faster than ever, I could feel the pulse throughout my body.

I observed my arms and legs, nothing was damaged. I relaxed and sank back into the white cotton sheets lining my bed. 

People fear that nightmares will become their reality. For me, I hope for a better reality to bring back better dreams.

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. It was seven in the morning now and there was no hope in going back to sleep now. I wasn't afraid, there was just to much running through my mind. 

 I propped myself up and turned on the television. I flipped through many channels until something caught my eye. A picture of Harry and I from the Brits. Damn, these people work fast. It was only hours ago that this had been snapped.

"Harry and a new mystery girl were spotted yesterday multiple times at the Brit awards. This young female also got a taste of the spotlight, when the announcer asked who she was. Although the boys did not give her name, we have a feeling that she is more than just a 'friend' of the boys."

I rolled my eyes at the blonde lady who spoke. Seriously, how do they come up with these things? How this crap sells is beyond me. I decided that I should just turn the television off, no point in wasting electricity.

I got out of bed and walked to the closet, where I had put my clothes. I pulled out a black pair of running shorts and red sports bra. I threw them on quickly and grabbed my running shoes. I walked out of the room and made my way towards the cramped elevator.

I made my way out of the hotel and began running. Going straight was my best option, since I had no idea how to get around. I have been here for a very short amount of time. 

It was around sunrise, not many people were out yet. Every now and then I would see a few cars or a person go past me. It was nice to be running. I was still a bit on edge from last night. The cameras, people, and Harry.

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