Chapter 27

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Sheraton Grand. The best hotel in Sacramento.

Somehow, I got lucky and this was our first stop. Honestly, I thought it was going to be weeks before I got to follow through with my plan.

But today was going to be the day.

We arrived in Sacramento at midnight last night and made it here around 1:30 because Niall was so hungry and couldn't wait til we got here to eat. So we all had to suffer and go search for a fast food place that he would eat from. Trust me, he's a lot pickier than we thought.

I rolled out of the pillow top bed and onto my feet. I noticed that everyone was already up due to the noise that they created. I looked at the clock and the bright read numbers showed that it was 11. I lazily grabbed some clothes and headed to the rest room.

I stripped down and took a twenty minute shower, although it wasn't too peaceful. There was constant yelling and pounding of the walls. I swear that if these boys weren't in One Direction they would have been asked to leave a long time ago.

I put on acid washed shorts, my white converse, and a light pink tie front Chiffon shirt. Then, I applied light make up and blow dried my hair. If I was going to talk to Harry, I might as well give him something to pay attention too. I really don't need him to focus on Madison at the moment.

I grabbed my purse and my room key and headed down to Harry's room. But, I couldn't make it there before I was spotted by one of the boys.

"Where are you going?" Niall asked me.

"I just wanted to talk to Harry." I said back as I continued walking to his room.

"I wouldn't-" Niall started as I turned the corner.

Shock, is what most people would have felt. Maybe even sadness or anger. But me, I wasn't even surprised to see Madison and Harry snogging in the hallway. I just laughed and turned around. I didn't even bother to see if they stopped due to my laughter.

I walked towards my room and Niall stood there confused. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Oh, me? I'm fabulous." I said with a smile, then stepped inside my room.

I wasn't supposed to leave the hotel, so I couldn't use a real exit. Therefore, my window and a fire escape was my only option. I sure as hell was taking it too.

But before I could escape, I heard Niall yelling at Harry. I didn't want to stick around for the fake apology or the pity that would come.

Carefully and quietly, I opened the large window. Luckily for me, the fire escape was right beside it. I took a deep breath before taking the risk and climbing out the window and onto the rickety platform.

As I took the steps down from the building, I heard the faint sound of my door being knocked on. Hopefully, they figured I was in there crying. Not leaving.

I made it the bottom and walked down the street. Hopefully I would find a rent a car and remember the way before someone could figure me out.

I walked down the road for about two hours before I reached a rent a car place. Luckily, I had kept my license when I left. I rushed them through the paper work and within minutes I had the keys to an old, black 72' Mustang. It started up and out I was.

The road was long and winding. I tried not to look back, but it was hard. I actually felt bad for leaving like this. I'm sure by now they realized I was gone.

What else could I do though? I wasn't wanted there anymore. I wanted to talk to Harry and fix things, but he made it clear that he wanted me out of the picture. I could respect that. Sure it hurt a bit, but I lied to him from the get go. I guess this just saves me from having to tell him the truth and having him hate me.

I went onto exit 88 and hoped to see the sign. It's been awhile since I've been here, so there's no grantee I was even going the right way.

As I glanced over, I saw it. It's almost like this was my fate. To come back here. 

I turned on the radio and drove along the dirt road like my mother had done years ago.

Bet your window's rolled down and your hair's pulled back

And I bet you got no idea you're going way too fast

You're trying not to think about what went wrong

Trying not to stop 'til you get where you goin'

You're trying to stay awake so I bet you turn on the radio

And the song goes

Funny how songs can describe your life...

I can't live without you, I can't live without you, baby

I can't live without you, I can't live without you, baby, baby

The highway won't hold you tonight

The highway don't know you're alive

The highway don't care if you're all alone

But I do, I do.

Does Harry even care? Is he actually the one that's making me act so crazy? Have I really just been in denial this whole damn time?

The highway won't dry your tears

The highway don't need you here

The highway don't care if you're coming home

But I do, I do.

I'd love to believe that Harry cared whether or not I came back, but let's face it. There isn't any way to know for sure.

I bet you got a dead cell phone in your shotgun seat

Yeah, I bet you're bending God's ear talking 'bout me.

You're trying not to let the first tear fall out

Trying not to think about turning around

You're trying not to get lost in the sound but that song is always on

So you sing along

Maybe I should call him and let him know that I'm okay. Maybe I should call him and actually talk to him like I intended to do. Or at least turn on my phone and see if he wants to talk.

I'm tempted to turn the car around and act like nothing ever happened, but how can I chicken out now? I've already gotten to far.

I should be a pro at running by now. I was a pro until I met him, he changed me and the world I know and I just let everything crumble. I acted like I deserved it, yet I don't even know that for sure. Things could have been different, they should have been different.

I can't live without you, I can't live without you, baby

I can't live without I can't live without you baby, oh baby

Reality finally hit me. I can't live without him. I have to do something strange and unknown to me. I don't want to end up like my mother. 

I remembered our conversation. I remember looking into her eyes and seeing regret and sadness. I don't want someone to look into my eyes and see that one day.

I pulled up to the end of the road and got out of the car, phone in hand. I took a shaky breath and tapped the digits in carefully.

"Hello?" Harry said into the phone. I bit my lip, debating on hanging up or following through.

"Harry." I spoke into the phone quietly, looking around at the meadow and the sky. It sure did look different at sun set.

"Amber...." He said into the phone.

"I just need to know something. And, if you want, I can stay away forever." I started.

"Do you still want me there, do you want to fix things, or want me to come back?" I asked shakily. I waited for his response.

Footsteps were coming from behind me. Was one of the boys here? Did they come for me?

I turned around only to be face to face with Scott for the first time in months. I scream escaped my mouth and then I was on the ground and everything went black.

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