Chapter 19

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My body was entangled in the soft white sheets of the bed when I woke up. I turned my head, expecting a sleeping Harry to be next to me. Only, he wasn't.

I wrapped the sheets around me as I  stood up from the cozy bed. Tiredly, I dragged myself across the house in an attempt to see where he had gone. As I approached the kitchen, I noticed there was a large piece of paper on the fridge that wasn't there last night.

I pulled it off the fridge and scanned the writing.

If you're awake, i'll be back by twelve. There's cereal and I got you some movies to choose from.

I frowned slightly before crumbling up the note and throwing it into the trash can. Many bad thoughts on where he could be flooded my mind, but I had to ignore them. He wouldn't do anything stupid or harmful, he said he loves me.

Sure, I've been told that many times before and it ended up being a lie. But then again, Harry is different. I don't have trust issues anymore when it comes to him. Once I realized it was just his personality, I learned he wasn't sneeky or a bad person.

I began to think about last night and the fun I had with Harry as I walked to the bedroom to put some clothing on. Right as I was finishing changing, I heard the door open.

"Babe?" Harry spoke, not sure if I was awake or not.

"In here!" I replied as I threw the sheet back onto the king sized bed.

"Why'd you put clothes on?" He whined and stuck out his bottom lip like a toddler.

"Shut up you perv." I smacked his arm as I walked out of the room.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. As I took a bite, Harry spoke again.

"So, are you up to go out?" Harry asked me with a cheeky smile.

"Only if you tell me where were going." I smirked as I leaned against the counter.

"I think we both know that isn't going to happen Amber." He said to me with a smug look spread across his face.

"Then i'm not going." I said stubbornly, although I didn't mean it. I took another bite of my apple and then folded my arms as I chewed.

"Yes you are. You have fifteen minutes." He said seeming slightly annoyed before walking out of the room.

 I pressed my lips together and gave him a small smile as I walked into the room to put on shoes and grab my bag. I wasn't sure what he was planning, but it had to be something good, right? It would explain why he wasn't there this morning. Planning maybe?

"Ready." I said a bit louder than necessary as I walked out and stood by Harry.

"Finally!" He let out, rolling his eyes in order to tease me. I stuck my tongue out at him like a child as he turned to open the door.

"I saw that." He told me with a smirk on his flawless face. I just shrugged, it's not like I cared.

I walked towards the car, expecting us to be going far. Harry had other plans though, walking through some brush. I stood by the car for a moment before following Curly.

"Where are we going?" I asked him while raising a brow.

"On an adventure!" He cheered, not answering the question straight forward. I decided it was best to just go along with it and not press him for answers.

"Narnia?" I asked with a wide smile.

"No silly." He started as he pushed my forehead slightly and shook his head. "We'd be in a closet. Not outside. Duh." I couldn't help but laugh at his answer.

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