Chapter 4

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"I cannot believe you just did that!" I yelled over to booming music from the club.

"But she did!" Mark, a man whom I had met tonight, replied.

Jessica had just downed three double shots of rum. Her eyes became glossy immediately, the drinks had hit her hard.

"Alright no more for you." Her boyfriend told her, practically dragging her away. She put up a fight though, calling him names and attempting to hit him. The hits were a bit weak and off point. Poor girl.

"Who's next!?" Britney, I think that was her name, asked the rest of us. I looked down immediately, I knew my limit and I refused to push it.

"Where am- am I?" I slurred, not sure why everything kept moving so fast. Every time I tried to take a step I fell over. I heard laughter all around me, hell I was laughing too. Everything was warm, my eyes droopy. I felt that talking would be a terrible idea, knowing that I couldn't even recall my own name. Wait, why is everything dark now?

"Come on!" She nudged me in hopes that I would actually give in.

"I would, but you see Britney. You're the only one who hasn't drank anything what so ever." I said with a wink.

Her face dropped, but she quickly recovered. I could tell she wasn't much of a drinker, so this would be fun. 

The group of people around me began chanting at her. "Drink, drink, drink!"

A smile appeared on her face and she slammed them one by one, choking on the last. She got up and ran to the bathroom faster than you could blink. I almost felt bad for the girl, maybe I should have stopped her.

"Hey let's dance!" One of the girls from the group I was in chirped. I agreed to it, I mean that's what you're supposed to do at clubs. Get drunk, dance, and be stupid.

Four other girls and I walked out onto the dance floor. It was crowded with people having dry sex, dancing, making out. I didn't surprise me, but I wasn't too fond of seeing all that. Please find a closet.  We all began dancing despite all the commotion on the floor around us.

"Ow! What the hell!" I yelled as I hit the dirty, cold floor. I know I am not drunk enough to be falling down, I wouldn't have made it over here if I was. No one that I was dancing with noticed though, so I guess that was a good thing.

"I'm sorry!" A familiar voice spoke to me.

I looked up and saw the boy from the airport. "You must really like running into me." I chuckled. 

He put his hand out in an attempt to help me up and I took it kindly. I stood up next to him.  "I guess I do." He laughed.

It was dark out on the floor, but when light hit him I knew I had seen him somewhere before besides the airport. Perhaps a dream or something?

"Since we keep running into each other like this, what's your name?" I asked him, trying to figure out where I have seen him.

"Uh... Niall." He hesitated.

It all clicked I knew exactly who he was. I may not stay in places for long, but I don't live in some kind of box. I really didn't car that he was in a band. It was one of those cool story bro things for me.

"Oh cool name. I'm Amber." I spoke spoke calmly.

He looked a bit surprised with my response. I could tell he expected me to freak out or ask for an autograph. I know the faces, but I never looked into the music or anything. Even if I did, I wouldn't be foolish enough to do that.

He observed me once more and grabbed my arm. "Did I do that?" He asked, pointing at a bruise that Scott had left on my skin.

"Don't think so." I said, looking at the floor.

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