Chapter 9

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"Harry open up!" Liam pounded on the locked oak door, frustrated.

"Wow, he's pretty beat up.." I whispered to Niall. He just nodded, trying not to make much noise.

I don't really understand why he was making such a big deal over this. Is he really that convinced that he ruined my night? After I explained to him that I was okay with it and I understood? His reaction was almost annoying.

Niall closed the door behind us. "Hey guys, I think I may have found the solution!" He told them. They all turned towards me with hopeful eyes. It was almost freaky.

Louis, Liam, and Zayn walked over to Niall and I. First, they looked at him. "Where'd you find her mate, I was sure I wouldn't see her by the looks of Harry." Zayn spoke.

"She tripped on me this morning... Don't ask." He said. We both laughed a bit at the memory.

"Do you know what's up with him?" Louis asked, concern clear in his voice.

"Yes and no. It's a bit complicated. But I can tell you he shouldn't be acting like this." I explained, trying not to give away too much information.

"Well, I just hope he lets you in." Liam said doubtfully.

"He doesn't have to." I said, having a trick up my sleeve. I received a few raised eye brows from the boys, but I ignored it.

I dug through my purse until I found a bobby pin. I walked over to the door and knocked twice.

"Give it up! I won't open the door." He shouted through the door.

I rolled my eyes at his response and stuck the bobby pin in the door knob. I twisted it until the door was unlocked. "I never give up Curly." I told him with a smirk plastered on my face.

He sat up quickly once he heard my voice. He rubbed his eyes and made an attempt to fix his hair. "What are you doing here?" He asked slowly, as if he didn't think this was happening.

I closed the door and sat down on the corner of the bed. "Am I not allowed to be here?" I asked in a sweet, manipulative way. I looked deep into his eyes, knowing that would prevent him from kicking me out.

"No.. stay.. I meant, why did you bother with me?" He asked, still starring back into my eyes.

"Why wouldn't I?" I said, turning the conversation in an attempt to figure out his behavior.

"Think about what I have done already! I may have ruined your life by taking you out like that! You're acting like everything is fine and dandy! It's not! Do you know how much hate will circle you? Do you realize there will be photographers following you now?!" He explained while tears welled up in his eyes.

"You're being stupid Harry. As if I didn't think about those risks. I am not an idiot Harry, and I will not have you sitting here thinking I was so shocked and that it angered me. If you want things to be like they were before that whole thing, I suggest you stop overreacting now." I told him.

He just nodded. I figured that he was shocked about my response. Something tells me he's done something similar to this before and it didn't end up well.

"Thank you." I said, laying back on the bed as if I were exhausted.

"One question." Harry said, shifting around on the bed.

"Ask away." I said, closing my eyes.

"How did you end up in my flat?" He chuckled slightly.

"Oh well. Niall and I have this really bad habit of running into each other. He told me about you and well here I am!" I explained to him, making it brief as possible.

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