Chapter 13

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New Message: Danielle

Sorry about dissing Harry earlier. He really isn't bad.

New Message: Liam

I'm sorry about Niall, he overreacts.

New Message: Eleanor

We should have a girls day :)

I scrolled through the texts as I sat alone in Harry's living room as used the restroom. I only responded to Eleanor, the rest didn't really matter.

"Hanging out with Elenour soon?" Harry questioned from behind me. I jumped at his voice, expecting him to still be in the restroom.

"Uh yeah." I smiled sheepishly. He raised an eyebrow at me. "How long have you been there?" I questioned him, having a feeling he knew something went down at the restaurant.

"Long enough to see you read texts from Danielle and Liam." He said as if he knew something more than I.

"Oh." I said, locking my phone and sliding it into my back pocket.

"What happened?" He asked while taking a seat beside me. he looked into my eyes, almost as if he was pleading.

"Nothing." I said, shrugging. I refused to look into his bright green orbs, I had a feeling matters would be worse for me if I did.

"Dammit. I know something was going on. One, you wouldn't have gotten those texts if something wasn't. Two, everything had changed when I came back and you know it. So one more time, what happened?" He said, holding back his annoyance.

"Does it matter?" I fought back, not wanting to tell him.

It wasn't that I was afraid, I just didn't like telling people things. It's hard for me to do. 

Harry glared at me. "Yeah it does. Tell me." He pressed. His eyes darkened. He went from acting like he wanted to fix things, to acting like he was going to stab someone. It wasn't normal by any stretch of the imagination.

"Niall doesn't want us together. Big whoop! Happy now?" I said, my voice filled with attitude. I noticed that his jaw came unclenched, his shoulders weren't as square.

"Okay." He said, putting his arm around me.

Was this guy bipolar? He forced me to tell him about what happened and he doesn't even react to it. What if I was lying, then what would he do? Whether I wanted it to be true or not, I think Niall is right.

That isn't the worst of it though. I don't care. I'm not going to dump him, I'm not going to try and change his ways. I'm going to take the risk, because I don't feel pain or danger anymore. Not in the usual way.

"I'm feeling a bit tired, I think i'll head back to my place." I lied, not really sure how to talk to him anymore. I stood up and grabbed my bag.

"Want me to take you?" He asked kindly. I chewed on the inside of my cheek thinking.

"No you don't have to, I haven't gotten much exercise lately. I could use a walk." I spoke, looking him in the eyes hoping he'd buy it.

"At night? Are you trying to get abducted and possibly raped and murdered?" He spoke as he stood up grabbing his things. I mentally sighed as we walked out.

It was cute that he wanted me to be safe, yes. I just wanted some room to breathe. Oh well, a five minute ride isn't going to kill me.

The ride was pretty silent. As he drove, he held my hand like normal. Or what I perceived as normal. As I got out of the car, he spoke.

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