Chapter 31

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Harry's P.O.V.

We all have eyes, but too often are we blind. No one realizes what they have, no one notices the little things. I'm just as guilty as anyone.

We're all too late.

Maybe I shouldn't regret everything like everyone keeps telling me, but I know they're only saying that so I don't do something 'crazy.' 

It wasn't your fault, they say. Well I say they are all full of shit. In order for something to happen, something causes it. And that something was me, Harry Edward Styles.

I looked down at the white tiled floor and up at the door when it creaked its way open. Niall appeared in the doorway, only sticking his head in.

"How are you holding up?" He asked me, locking his eyes with mine.

"I'm fine." I lied, knowing that it was better than the truth.

Niall bit his lip, I knew he wanted to scream and say I wasn't, but he knew just as well as I did that it wouldn't change a thing. Eventually he nodded his head and left the room.

I slouched down in my seat and let out a shaky breath. 

I hated feeling this way, but it wasn't something I could just shake off. Hell, anyone that has a heart couldn't shake this off.

The boys tried to cheer me up, but nothing worked. I knew they were hardly keeping themselves together. They loved her, too.

In my life i've had plenty of bad things happen, but nothing has hit me like this. Ever.

It made me angry. Why am I just now caring about other people? Why couldn't I have stopped being an asshole years ago? Am I just fucked up in the head?

I took off my shoes and laid down. I aimlessly stared at the white wall in front of me, hoping that sleep would over take me.

As I began to doze off, there was three knocks on the door. I got up and walked slowly to the door and opened it.

"I was told three days." Liam said before leaving immediately.

He was in more pain than I was, that sickened me. He had nothing to do with this, yet he could still care more than me. 

"You're going to pull through. I love you." I whispered as I grabbed Amber's limp hand.

Amber's P.O.V.

"You're going to pull through. I love you." Harry said in his perfect raspy voice.

Once the words escaped his lips, quick loud beeps filled up the room. I knew where I was.

The knife went across my neck swiftly, no effort involved. Scott had a devilish smirk plastered on his face. I slid down the wall, the pain was worse than I had expected. It was like I had poured boiling water on my neck. It was hard to breathe and I was afraid to move my head. The pain was only momentary though, as I eventually went numb. Everything was becoming fuzzy and fading to black, as I was fading from the real world. Everything felt surreal, the opposite of what I thought death would feel like.

I always imagined it going by quickly, then remembering everything great that has happened in my life. But that didn't happen. There wasn't any memories. I was tired yet relived, it was like a black peace.

None of this happened before I saw Harry rush into the room. How he managed to find me, no clue. I watched him pin Scott to the ground and heard him screaming things at him. Scott just smiled, not even bothering to defend himself from a wild Harry.

I had been listening in on the conversations between Harry and the multiple doctors. Apparently, I was in a coma. Then they said something about three days. That could be good or bad.

I still couldn't decided if I actually wanted to pull through though. Death was so much easier than living.

But now, I could justify living. How could I hurt Harry like this, he doesn't deserve to suffer over me.

I tried to peel myself from the lump hospital bed, but it was like I was super glued there. I tried to open my eyes, but I just felt them twitch. 

This was the most annoying, and possibly the worst thing ever. It's beeing stuck between two worlds.

Do it for Harry.

Maybe if I was doing this for myself rather than someone, I would be awake.

Somehow, I manged to open one eye. Yep, one.

I looked around the room. It was dark, most likely night time. The floors and walls were white, extremely clean. I was hooked up to many machines, they were all quite noisy. And lastly, I noticed Harry sleeping on the couch uncomfortable.

"H-Harry." I managed to choke out raspy. 

Talking hurt, but it needed to be done.

He shot up and looked at me, as if it was a dream.

"Amber.." He started.

I tried to speak, but the pain was too much to bear. I patted the bed next to me, signaling for him to get in. I couldn't let him suffer. 

He got into the small bed with me and fell asleep like a small child.

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