Chapter 33

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Harry stood there calmly, waiting for me to speak. I've said too much to back away now, I knew everything was going to come out eventually.

"You have to let me finish, okay? Don't just leave when you hear something you don't like." I said to him, playing with my hands to avoid his piercing eyes.

He nodded in response, waiting for me to continue.

"For starters, my name isn't Amber. My name is Kaylee, Kaylee Smith." I started. Harry didn't look too surprised, but slightly disappointed.

"So, when I was younger, my mom wasn't such a great person. She did plenty of illegal things, bad checks to identity theft. She also got some terrible boyfriends." I said with a nervous chuckle. Harry's face was hard, wanting answers.

"We ran from people and the police ever since I could remember. At first I never understood, but as I got older it was second nature. If something goes bad, change your name and the way you look. Eventually my mother let her guard down and now she's in prison." I told him. I had never told him too much about my mom, there were too many hints.

"Even when she was out of my life, I continued to do what I've done all my life. I would steal things, get involved with the wrong people, and just run away rather than face the consequences. I was good at it too, that was until I met you." I said.

Harry kept his mouth shut, but his eyes were burning a hole into my soul.

"When I met you, I intended to continue my games. Make you fall for me, you'd take care of me, eventually something would happen and I would leave." I started.

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but I put a finger up before he could speak.

"But you were different. You made me feel again, hell I felt like a regular person. Of course all of my bad tendencies weren't going to go away like that, but they started to before I could even notice. I wanted to give up everything that I did wrong and be a good person because of you. That also involved letting down my guard, reasons why Scott found me." I said.

Harry's face became unreadable, if only I could read his mind.

"Everything was real with you, and I doubt you believe me after telling you this. Especially since I ran from you. But Harry, I was scared. Hell, I had no idea how to handle things anymore. That was something I hated, but it was worth it when I was with you. I understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore though." I finished my little story.

It was silent, Harry didn't say anything and it scared me.

"Speak.. please say something..." I urged.

"I don't know what to think right now, Kaylee." He said, putting emphasis on my real name.

"See, I told you that you wouldn't understand." I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Explain this to me, why did you want Scott to kill you? How does this have anything to do with that?" He pressed.

"Things weren't the same with us and it killed me, okay? I didn't know what to do, I wanted to clear my head and that's when I left. When he got me, I wasn't sure if you cared that I had left or not. I was tired of fighting and living a lie." I explained to him.

"You're so stupid." He said shaking his head.

"I know." I whispered.

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