Chapter 16

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Today was the day I was going to break up with Harry. I decided it would be best to tell him things weren't working out instead of just never seeing him again. Hell, with the luck I seem to have he'd find me too.

I wasn't going to let Scott kill me. I would head back to the United States, possibly throw him off. He would come here to find me, only to learn I wasn't there.

After much planning, I decided that I needed to tell Harry three days before I had to be back with Scott. That way, no tabloids could give anything away. 

Yes, I know that it could still be ruined with in those three days, but the chance was slight. Harry would probably stay locked up in his room for a few days, like when he was upset because he thought I wouldn't want to see him again.

I walked up to his flat, hoping that he was there and awake. Since it was only 8 in the morning, I doubted it. I needed to get this done early before I end up not doing it. God, he deserves so much better.

I knocked on the door three times in a row. As I waited for him to open it, I started to question if I should do this. It seems like no matter what i'll end up dead, why not enjoy my last moments happy with someone I care about?

Dammit, I can't talk myself out of this. This was my last chance, Scott was going to come for me. He would do whatever it takes. He's not the type to quit.

My thoughts were interrupted by an opening door. "Hey beautiful." Harry said, then kissing me. I kissed back, feeling a bit guilty. Although, I was careful to not let that be evident on my face.

"Hey." I said back awkwardly.

"I was just about to head to your place, but since you're already here, let's go out to eat." Harry suggested while telling me his old plans.

"Sounds like a plan!" I said with a smile. He took my hand and we made our way to his car. I would ask him if I could drive since they drive on a different side here and it'd be fun, but it would be wrong of me.

After a short car ride we made to a restaurant called 'The Table.' It was quite casual and lucky for us, empty. 

We sat down at a booth side by side. I began to look through the menu, not wanting to make too much conversation with him since this would be our last encounter.

Maybe I should get it over with before I order food, save him the trouble. I'll be hurting him enough as it is. Wait, since when do I care about other people? I'm so fucking screwed. I should have never came here. I shouldn't have gotten myself into this mess.

"So! I have something to tell you." Harry spoke as he looked through the menu.

"Tell me." I told him, wishing deep down that he was breaking up with me.

"Well, there's three things." He started. I gave him a look, urging him to continue. "One, we're going on tour in seven day." He started off. I faked an upset face.

This. Was. Perfect. He wouldn't have time to miss me on tour. He would have to be working.

"Second, I want to take you to Italy before the tour starts." He said.

You probably think this is the solution to my problem, right? Wrong. Everything One Direction does is tracked. It would just take him longer to get to me. I mean, I could make this trip work to my advantage, but no matter what, I would have to leave after it.

"Third, if you wish, you can go on tour with us. It'll be for six months and I really hope you come, I don't think I could stand being away from you for that long." He said, nervously awaiting my response.

As always, he was going to make this difficult. Fan fucking tastic.

I took a breath before I spoke. "Give me more details about two and three." I said with a wide smile across my face.

His face lit up and he sat up straighter. "Well. If you come with me to Italy, it'll be a week of just you and me. No paparazzi, none of the other boys. Paul will make sure of that. I already asked him." He explained.

I smiled. "I like the sound of that, but how do you expect to get away from the paparzi that know your every move?" I questioned.

"Well, I won't use my credit card, we'll take a private jet and fool them into thinking we're going else where, and I won't send and tweets." He said as if he had already had it all planned out.

"Smart. Now tell me about the tour." I said with a smile.

"Wait, does this mean you'll come with me?" He grinned.

He made it sound convincing, I mean if we really can go without a trace, Scott can't find me. He'll be screwed. And then a tour following it? It's safer than staying in London. At least i'll always be with someone if I go with them.

"Yes, I'll go it Italy with you. Now, tell me about the tour." I told him, trying to hide how nervous I really was.

"Yes! I knew you would! We leave tomorrow morning. Sorry love, couldn't get any night flights." He told me while keeping in mind how much I hate the morning. "And the tour. Well, six months across Europe and North America. The girls will visit, they work so they can't be there full time like you."

So another reason for me not to work comes out. Alright then Harry.

I hesitated to respond.

"I know it's really sudden and we haven't even been together for six months, but I want you to come. Please." He spoke nervously.

"I have nothing to lose. I'll go." I told him with a small smile on my face. He began to cheer to himself and hugged me tightly. To think I was going to leave him five minutes ago...

Maybe it was fate, because I know it wasn't luck. If it was luck, Scott wouldn't have ever noticed I was the same person. Fate on the other hand, keeps certain things and people in your life.


So this chapter is really short and crappy, but I felt bad making you guys wait to find out what happened from the last chapter. There's still a lot more to come too.

Thank you for reading. :) Votes and comments make my day.

Dangerous Love (One Direction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz