*part 11*

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I instantly awoke to a clatter, it sounded similar to pots and pans, but I wasn't to sure.

Still trying to focus on my unknown surroundings I saw a huge bright light. I tried to talk but nothing seemed to come out, I tried to scream but all that came out was a croaking Wisper.

While I was trying to analyse the room that was completely white with machines it kind of reminded me of a hospital, the door swung open and tony walked in.

"Welcome to the avengers tower" he said smiling.

I just looked at him confused to what was going on, avengers tower? Since when was there an avenger's tower, how long was I asleep for?

"Oh, don't try to talk, it will probably hurt. Let me get you some tea, I feel like tea will help. 2 minutes I'm going to run this by Bruce."

I nodded as he left the room, I could hear people whispering.

"We should probably let her rest" one voice said

"I know Steve, but it's been like a year, I miss her," said another

A year? I had been unconscious for nearly a year? This can't be happening.

"I know you do; we all do but let her rest. We can see her once Bruce and tony say she's ready, we don't know how much damage was done."

"Steve's right Nat, we will visit soon" said the third voice

That's when I realised it was Nat, Steve and Sam. I might have only felt like a few hours ago for them it had been months.

The next thing I knew tony, and Bruce entered the room, tony helped me drink the tea. I wasn't sure what kind of tea it was but it tasted nice and it soothed my throat a little.

"Ok this should help" tony said

"Ok so I'm going to run a few tests like brain scans, and I want to see how good your speech and mobility is" Bruce went on

Honestly, I wasn't listening to what he was saying it was all too much, I had been unctuous for a year and now I might not walk or talk again.

"Hey y/n can you try talk for me" Bruce asked

I smiled nodding

"Sure hi" I said my throat ached, but I spoke! Actual words came out of my mouth. yes, they were rough but they were words.

"Good, that's good ok your definitely to week to walk or talk to much but I'm going to bring over this machine, don't worry its just a brain scan. I just need to get a clear picture of your brain, so I know what damage was done when you were hit."

That's when it hit me (pun not intended) I was falling in the sky when a huge piece of metal hit me in the head, they were right there was no way that could happen, and I was completely ok. 

AN ; sorry this is pretty boring and I'm sorry but the next few parts will be but it is all important and it will pick up its pace and become more interesting soon so hang tight! 

words ~ 484 

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