*part 22*

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I had just arrived, and I was already late to the meeting thing that was being held there, something to do with the accords I don't know. All I know is that I'm showing up signing the accords and then going home. I might stay for the speech; I mean its rude not to. I got to the building it was being held in and there was a lot of paparazzi.

"y/n where were you this past year?" one said
"why didn't you help fight Ultron?" another said

"Ultron?" I whispered still passing the paparazzi to get to the door.

"y/n do you have time to answer a few questions?"
"y/n what made you leave?" said another
I ignored them all and went straight to the big class doors and went through security. There was a woman that came up to me as soon as I entered the room.

"y/n are you here to sign the accords?"

No shit

"Sign here" she said pointing to this book thing she was holding. She handed me a pen and I signed. Now all I had to do was listen and then I could leave.

I stood at the back; I could see Nat she looked shocked to see me, but she was just sitting down to listen.

"When stolen Wakanda vibranium was used to make terrible weapon. We in Wakanda were forced to question our legacy. Those men and women killed in Nigeria were part of the goodwill mission from a country too long in the shadows." king T'chaka began.

I felt so bad for Wanda she didn't mean to do that, cause all that destruction. I could see it in her face when the news reporters were filming her. I don't know her very well, but I hope she's alright.

"we will not however, let misfortune drive us back. We will fight to improve the world we wish to join. I am grateful to the avengers" he continued.

That's when I noticed t'challa looking out the window, this was his dad why wasn't he listening. He was clearly watching something more important; this isn't going to end well.

"For supporting this initiative. Wakanda is proud, to extend its hand in peace." He spoke.

The next few seconds were a blur, I saw it coming so did t'challa.

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" t'challa shouted. I instantly dropped to the ground as the bomb went of. There was smoke, glass and fire everywhere. Then I heard t'challa screaming, something in wakandan. He sounded upset but there was to much smoke even if I got up to see It would be hard. Then the realization hit me, what the fuck just happened? A bomb just went off out of nowhere. Great don't tell me I'm going to have to fight, what did tony do now.

AN: heyy sorry for not updating i had a really busy week last week. i had lots of homework and i had to study.  anyways i have less this week and im off school next week so there should be more coming!

words ~ 461

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