chapter 45

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Everybody is in their position.

The sun has officially set, with purple painting the sky as the battle begins. From the top of the mountain, you stand with your hands crossed over your chest, staring down at the path where Nine walks with his two buddies. The cave where the civilians are is covered by a massive purple dome, it's meant to keep danger out and keep the stubborn people inside. Yeah, the last part was directed at the duo. Bakugo and Midoriya were both pouting to your sides, trying to convince you to let them fight.

But you and Todoroki weren't easily swayed.

"In the middle of the battle, it looked like he suddenly doubled over in pain. Using all those powers one after the other was probably too hard on his body. That's why he's trying to steal Katsuma's quirk."

Midoriya was fiddling with the dangling piece from his hero suit, he couldn't help but feel extra anxious from where he stood.

"I know, that's why we're going to exhaust him and attack in waves so that he uses all his quirks. Everything will be fine, now relax." You told him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder to stop his shaking.

"Incoming. Twenty seconds. Naval Laster to max output." Momo's voice was detectable through the earpieces she made. You noticed the way Midoriya held his breath, fingers tapping against the solid frame of the dome now.

"Energy Blast!" Aoyama shouted, and bright blue lasers blazed across the field, causing enough damage and divide the trio. Momo pulled out the canon she had made using the last of her lipids, and from where you stood, you could sense how tired the girl was.

Your foot tapped against the floor, counting the seconds before you pulled those two away from the fight, and into the dome. Yes, you had ended up becoming the support character. Your only job right now was to bring everybody back into the safety of the dome after they did their job.

With the shot of the cannon, Slice tumbled into the cave as you had planned, where Tokoyami and Ashido were waiting for her. The chasm created caused Chimera to run towards the lower level of the mountain, near the river where Todoroki, Asui, Kirishima, and Iida were waiting.

"Phase One is complete." With those words, your power picked Aoyama and Momo, bringing their tired bodies back to where you stood and softly placed them on the ground.

"We're up next!" Sero called out, getting ready to perform his new move 'Tape Shot Trident,' while Uraraka released all the rocks that had been floating in the air.

So far, Nine had used his air force fields to block the lasers, and now he was using his lasers to destroy the wave of rocks that were coming his way. Those two— Sero and Uraraka— were going extra, never pausing their attacks. More rocks filled the sky before dropping at an increasing speed, but Nine always managed to destroy the rocks into tiny pieces. But that was okay, he just needed to use his quirks.

Uraraka looked a little green from here, a sign that she was about to reach her limit. A rock hit Sero's face, breaking the protective helmet he wore.

The tapping of your foot paused, and you wanted to reach forward and help them, but the class said you were the card up their sleeve and weren't allowed to reveal yourself yet.

Mineta, with the help of Uraraka and Sero, released the sticky rocks he had formed. That was the last wall of defense that they had. If the sticky balls and mountain of rocks didn't stop Nine, then you would be stepping in.

"Don't mess with Class 2-A!" Mineta called out, his scalp bleeding from the overuse of his quirk, but in a flash of golden light, the three were shoved back as Nine broke free from the makeshift jail, not even a hair out of place.

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