☆~Chapter 5~☆

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~Time skip~

"Eh?! What do you mean?!" Kei yelled as he looked at you "My mom's moving overseas, she have to take care of my grandma."

He looked at you with worry and fear "What about you?" He asked desperately "I'm not coming.." the raven haired's eyes lit up, he was definetely worried that you were gonna leave him "Is that even okay?" the cold breeze hit your skin as you push yourself to the swing "Mom, said that my aunt will be staying with me." you responded ot happy nor sad about it "Aunt who?" He raised his eyebrow clearly not knowing any of your relatives. The two of you have known eavhother for around five years and he only knows your parents. That's not really surprising since you don't tell him about your relatives. He didn't ask though, well he did, right now.

"She's my dad's sister, momsaid she was looking for a place to stay so it's a perfect timing...i guess?"

"My mom's be leaving in a week." The raven haired stared at you with his golden orbs and huffed "Then if you become lonely you can always come in our house and have a meal with me prepared by my mom!" He said as he jumped of the swing.

You had loving parents they cared for you and they showered you with love. You were about 9 when your mom decided to work due to financial problems. At first it was fine, she still have time for housework but everyone changed slowly. Both of them had no time for you as time passed. Thankfully, after your father worked overseas money is not a problem anymore. He earns more than enough, that's when your  mother stopped working. But as soon as she stopped she had to leave again for your grandma.

Hey! Y/n are you still thinking about it? Your mom's leaving in a week right?" Kei spoke snapping you back to reality "Huh? Ah yeah I'm just kinda worried. I'm not even close to my aunt..." you groaned and leaned to the boy "I guess that can't be helped. Come on stop mopping around let's but popsicles!"

"By the way Mikey's birthday is near." You spoke as the two of you walked "Yeah I wonder what should I give him." he made a thinking pose "Mom's leaving before his birthday..too bad." Kei stared at you "I also don't know what should I give him. What do boys even like?". The two of you talked until the sun set.


-After Mikey's birthday-

Mikey didn't talk to anyone and Kei shut himself. He didn't leave his room. Kazutora's in jail, Emma's still mourning and the dojo closes. Shinichiro's death affected everyone involved with him. His friends and especially his family. What's worse is that Kazutora's the one that killed him, Kei was involved too. It's so complicated, no one knew what to do. Still, you were worried for your friends. What now? It's like a dead end. Will we even be able to overcome this?

Kazutora....it's just an accident right? He didn't mean it, he was just. He was just?

You were still thinking of Shinichiro. Oh how you wish to hear his voice greet you as you enter his shop. His soft and warm hand patting your head as he messes your hair. How he talk passionately about motors. How you make fun of him while he coughs from his cigarettes. How you hide and throw away his cigarettes and replace them with candies.

Everything will be different if only you told Kei and Kazutora about his shop sooner. If you went to the shop that day to talk to Shinichiro. If only you asked Kei what was he gonna do that night. If only you were with them.



"Y/n what do you think?" Ryuiji asked "Uh? What was that? Sorry I was spacing out..." you scratched your cheek "You know those guys you've been talking to lately?" Mitsuya spoke "Yeah we beat their asses." Kazutora added.

"Hm..." you rested your face on your palm and stared outside the restaurant through the glass. "Eh? Aren't you mad Y/n-chan? Wait do you hate them too?" Pah asked. "If you beat them up it means you have a good reason right?" You smiled at them.

"Yeah they were bullying someone. Don't talk to them anymore!!! Don't get near them!!!" Kei-chan slammed the table "Do you really believe us,Y/n? Are you not mad at us?" Kazutora asked. You grinned at them

"Don't worry I'm on your side! Always on your side!!"



Mikey yelled as he threw me across the room. I coughed and composed myself "Mikey..." I looked at him "ARE YOU SIDING KAZUTORA!?!!! HE KILLED MY BROTHER!!!! SHINICHIRO..." He ruined his hair aggressively. Like a maniac out of control.


I felt something dripping down my forehead "Hm?" I touched my forehead and looked at my hand. My hand was red, is this blood? I covered half of my face using my hand. Mikey looked at me confused, his eyes then widened and he ran towards me quickly.

"EMMA!! GET OVER HERE AND TAKE THE FIRST AID KIT WITH YOU!!!" He yelled while holding both of my shoulders. "Huh? What's up with you Mikey?" My knees got weak making me fall. Huh? What's this? My vision got blurry. I could hear Mikey yelling with Emma. 

I yawned and looked for my phone. Huh- Where am I? I looked at my side Mikey and Emma were sleeping on the bed while sitting on a chair. WAIT! I remember now! I touched my forehead and i felt bandages.  I took another glance at Mikey. He was peacefully sleeping. "I guess, you're not too bad like this." I poked his cheek

A doctor entered the room and smiled at me "Are you feeling okay now? Is there someone you can call like your parents or guardians?" He asked making me panic "N-no please! I uh...please call Mrs.Baji..." I looked down. "Baji-san isn't your guardian." My aunt, Aiko entered the room with her hand on her hips. Her eyebrows are raised. "A-AUNT!?" I was surprised and scared at the same time, why is she here? "I've told you a million times to call me Aiko." She walked towards me. Tak* Tak* her heels clacked as she walks. Her long, blonde hair was swinging.

"You brat!" She pinched my cheek as she scold me. "You hurt yourself and you look for Baji-san!" Eh? That's what she's mad about? "Uwah! Au- Aiko!!" I struggled, She let go and sighed. "I told your mom about this." My heart beat rapidly, I panicked and looked at her with worry "I told her you hurt your self while playing." Ailo crossed her arms and stared at Mikey. I'm pretty sure she knows what happened.

The doctor smiled at me and opened the door. Mrs. Baji was there with Kei-chan she quickly ran towards me and hugged me tightly "Y/n! Are you okay dear!?" She asked. I hugged she back while I cried "Yeah.." She looked at Aiko and bowed as soon as she let go. "Aiko-san." Baji-san smiled and held Kei. "He wanted to see you."

"Kei-chan...Ah- uh I fell and hit my head while we were playing." I scratched my head. He pulled me into a hug and whispered "Sorry." He wasn't there with us. My injury wasn't his fault. But I stayed silent. Since I know it wasn't because of that. Tears formed in my eyes as I hug him tightly. "Baji?" The two of us froze, I can feel his hands shaking. I let go of him and looked at Mikey. "Mikey?" He looked startled, maybe he didn't notice Mikey was there.

"M-mikey." The raven haired started fidgeting with her hands, he started sweating and stuttering. His guilt was eating him. "Oh, Baji was here? I didn't notice, why didn't anyone wake me up?" Mikey laughed as he rubbed his nape. Maybe it's because of my worry for Baji, my fear or my Guilt? I stupidly played along. "We didn't want to wake you up, you looked so peaceful sleeping, as if you hadn't slept in a while." I gave him a smile. The adult were just watching us thinking we're just having a childing talk. Maybe it was Childish, yet no one tried to stop.

"Let's all hangout once I get released, Okay?" I gave another smile, clearly Kei was cconfused. He was looking at me the whole time with worry. And I he.d his hand the whole time. "With the others?" Kei and Mikey nervously asked "Mhm! And Emma too!" We knew there was something wrong with us. But no one tried to point it out. We acted as if nothing happened. We tried to completely forget about the incident. Even just once, Mikey didn't apologize to me.

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